[ovirt-users] Import OVA or OVF file from other oVirt - oVirt 4.x

Victor Jose Acosta vic.ad94 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 13:19:53 UTC 2016

Thanks Yaniv, i read about image io streaming after send that email, i 
will use it for my project.

I will explain to you what I'm trying to do:

- I'm creating a software to make full backup and restore of VMs using 
python and the backup/restore api

- The main difference is, i want to have the option to make a full 
restore or granular restore.

- The backup process is:

     - Create snapshot off the vm

     - Mount snapshot disk to a "backup vm"

     - Identify device name of that disk, this means "/dev/vdc" and so on.

     - Create a qcow2 image from disk

     - Get vm configuration in a xml file

     - Create a compressed file from both files

     - Detach disk from backup vm

     - Delete the snapshot

- The full recovery process is:

     - Upload the qcow2 files throw image io api

     - Create a new vm based on the xml file

- The granular recover process is:

     - Mount the qcow2 image to as a loop device

     - Copy files

I will create a kind of new format, this "new format" will be a .tgz 
file with:

     - qcow2 images, ordered by number, example:

         - 00-vm.qcow2

         - 01-vm.qcow2

     - the vm xml file

I working on this a few days ago, so if you are interested it will be a 
pleasure to me provide a solution to the community.

I will share this project when it's works at least the full 
backup/restore function

I love oVirt but the my main problem is create backup and share those 
VMs between DataCenters

So i decided to create a software to make oVirt even more powerful

About me: I'm not a developer, so be patient, I'm a sysadmin, actually a 
Red Hat Certified Engineer and VMWare Certified Associate

On 30/11/16 08:26, Yaniv Dary wrote:
> It is planned to be replaced with the image IO streaming API.
> With this API you will be able to upload and download VMs disks and 
> snapshots.
> We are also planning to add OVA download and upload in one of the next 
> releases.
> Until this is done we will not be removing the export domain.
> Yaniv Dary Technical Product Manager Red Hat Israel Ltd. 34 Jerusalem 
> Road Building A, 4th floor Ra'anana, Israel 4350109 Tel : +972 (9) 
> 7692306 8272306 Email: ydary at redhat.com <mailto:ydary at redhat.com> IRC 
> : ydary
> On Sun, Nov 27, 2016 at 5:37 PM, Victor Jose Acosta 
> <vic.ad94 at gmail.com <mailto:vic.ad94 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hello everyone, i got some questions to you
>     Export domain will be deprecated so, how do i import a ova from
>     another oVIrt to my own oVirt?
>     i will explain to you what I'm trying to do, i got oVirt in 3
>     different sites, and I'm creating a python based backup software
>     for oVirt 4.x, what i want to do is create a OVA or OVF file as
>     backup and send it to my other site, it's a kind of disaster
>     recovery strategy.
>     With oVirt 3.x, i do it creating a ova file then import that .ova
>     file using ovirt-image-uploader, but in oVirt 4 that tool will be
>     deprecated also, so how do i export a .ova or .ovf file from other
>     oVirt to my own
>     Thanks in advance
>     -- 
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