[ovirt-users] Slow first opening web portal when the ovirt-engine.service is restarted

aleksey.maksimov at it-kb.ru aleksey.maksimov at it-kb.ru
Mon Oct 3 04:06:35 EDT 2016

Any thoughts on this? 

I found the systemd service example for a warm start:

This is a good solution?

03.10.2016, 09:35, "aleksey.maksimov at it-kb.ru" <aleksey.maksimov at it-kb.ru>:
> Hello oVirt guru`s !
> oVirt Engine Version:
> After restarting the ovirt-engine.service, the web login page is available after a few seconds. That's good.
> But when trying the first login, the portal web page open for 2-3 minutes
> All subsequent logins are fast.
> The question is: Why is the delay in the opening pages of the first call?
> Do I understand correctly that this feature of JBoss web application?
> Need some warming up of the web application?

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