[ovirt-users] ovirt-engine, ovirt-engine base O.S, hypervisor base O.S update(s)

Yedidyah Bar David didi at redhat.com
Thu Oct 27 02:33:23 EDT 2016

On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 11:29 PM, Sandvik Agustin
<agustinsandvik at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi user,
> I'm planning to update my virutalization and to fix some system
> incompatibility.
> we've been using this kind of setup since 2014 and as of now we're not
> having some problem.
> the system incompatibility that I mention is that, at first my ovirt-engine
> base os is CentOS 6.7 and my ovirt-engine first version was 3.5 I believe
> that version 3.5 supports adding hosts with the base O.S of Centos 6.x, then
> we decided to update the ovirt-engine version from 3.5 to 3.6, then i begun
> having problem adding hosts with base O.S of CentOS 6.x, then tried to
> google it, I found out that ovirt-engine 3.6 does not support adding hosts
> with base O.S of EL6.x, just to add the new host, I decided to change the
> base O.S of it from CentOS 6.7 to CentOS 7, i've successfully added it to
> the ovirt-engine but on the different Cluster, and because of this, some
> features of ovirt-engine 3.6 was unable to use. By the way, my setup here is
> self-hosted "ovirt-engine".
> now my question is
> 1. will it still work if I restore my current ovirt-engine backup with base
> of CentOS 6.7 to a new ovirt-engine base O.S CentOS 7 without messing with
> the Domain data storage. LDAP and VM(s)?

You should follow [1]. If you already tried deploying a 3.6/el7 host in an
existing 3.5 hosted-engine cluster, it will not work. If you can revert
everything to 3.5, great. Otherwise, please still try following [1], and
share setup logs when you stumble upon problems. Good luck,

[1] https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/how-to/hosted-engine-host-OS-upgrade/

> Sandvik
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