[ovirt-users] Issue with ovirt-ansible-roles

Luca 'remix_tj' Lorenzetto lorenzetto.luca at gmail.com
Tue Nov 21 18:27:45 UTC 2017


a quick resume of my issue. I haven't really solved yet because i'm
hitting a pair of bugs, but Ondra Machaceck helped me troubleshooting
and finding out the bug.

We had a conversation out of the mailinglist, so i've been to send him
uncensored logs.

First thing he suggested me is to introduce a change to:


and change line 468 to:

 raise Error("Failed to read response: {}".format(err_list))

So i had a more informative error. This is clearly a violation of the
principles of the zen of python, because the error was not explicit
and is somewhat a bit silenced.

Error changed then to:

Error: Failed to read response: [(<pycurl.Curl object at 0x20409b0>,
6, 'Could not resolve host: ovirtengine.intranet.******y; Name
or service not known')]

This is an ansible bug: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/19278

Since my password is (not the real one) "compan", ansible hides any
possible entry of "compan" (the password) in all the parameters. So
ansible scrables the params and the module is instructed to connect to
the url ovirtengine.intranet.******y and not to

The only workaround available is to have a password that is not used
anywhere else, or ansible will replace pieces of parameters with
sequences of *.

Weird, but that's it.

Thank you Ondra for the RCA.


2017-11-17 11:02 GMT+01:00 Luca 'remix_tj' Lorenzetto
<lorenzetto.luca at gmail.com>:
> On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 5:47 PM, Luca 'remix_tj' Lorenzetto
> <lorenzetto.luca at gmail.com> wrote:
> [cut]
>> The engine i want to manage is running oVirt Engine Version:
>> I can upgrade, but i'd like also to test the playbook for upgrading
>> the infrastructure...
> Just for information, upgrading to latest version of ovirt-engine didn't help:
> oVirt Engine Version:
> Luca
> --
> "E' assurdo impiegare gli uomini di intelligenza eccellente per fare
> calcoli che potrebbero essere affidati a chiunque se si usassero delle
> macchine"
> Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz, Filosofo e Matematico (1646-1716)
> "Internet è la più grande biblioteca del mondo.
> Ma il problema è che i libri sono tutti sparsi sul pavimento"
> John Allen Paulos, Matematico (1945-vivente)
> Luca 'remix_tj' Lorenzetto, http://www.remixtj.net , <lorenzetto.luca at gmail.com>

"E' assurdo impiegare gli uomini di intelligenza eccellente per fare
calcoli che potrebbero essere affidati a chiunque se si usassero delle
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz, Filosofo e Matematico (1646-1716)

"Internet è la più grande biblioteca del mondo.
Ma il problema è che i libri sono tutti sparsi sul pavimento"
John Allen Paulos, Matematico (1945-vivente)

Luca 'remix_tj' Lorenzetto, http://www.remixtj.net , <lorenzetto.luca at gmail.com>

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