[ovirt-users] VDSM multipath.conf - prevent automatic management of local devices

Ben Bradley listsbb at virtx.net
Wed Nov 22 22:42:56 UTC 2017

Hi All

I have been running ovirt in a lab environment on CentOS 7 for several 
months but have only just got around to really testing things.
I understand that VDSM manages multipath.conf and I understand that I 
can make changes to that file and set it to private to prevent VDSM 
making further changes.

I don't mind VDSM managing the file but is it possible to set to prevent 
local devices being automatically added to multipathd?

Many times I have had to flush local devices from multipath when they 
are added/removed or re-partitioned or the system is rebooted.
It doesn't even look like oVirt does anything with these devices once 
they are setup in multipathd.

I'm assuming it's the VDSM additions to multipath that are causing this. 
Can anyone else confirm this?

Is there a way to prevent new or local devices being added automatically?


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