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mån 2013-08-12 klockan 21:40 -0400 skrev Richie@HIP:
<blockquote type="CITE">Let me throw a couple of "Ifs" and see what others feel…?
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
<blockquote type="CITE">
<li>Could it be that VirtualBox AND Parallels cannot handle an oVirtEngine VM…? In other words, oVirtEngine is "allergic" to both of these…?
Cannot speak for the mentioned products, but I´ve run engine in KVM many times without issues. Network configuration could be to blame in your case. I´ve set up a bridge interface for my VM´s so that they can access the same network as me<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">
<li>Could it be that oVirtEngine cannot be implemented in a VM…? </li></ul>
<blockquote type="CITE">
<li>Could it be that 4 or 6 Gb of RAM is to little for oVirtEngine…? </li></ul>
My engine VM only had 3GB. Sure, it wasn´t all that fast but it worked:)<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">
<li>I saw some minimum specs for oVirt in the documentation pages in the web Albeit the "Minimum RAM" was described as 4 Gb., I believe it stated that it should be more. (refer to
<a href="http://www.ovirt.org/Quick_Start_Guide#Prerequisites">http://www.ovirt.org/Quick_Start_Guide#Prerequisites</a> - "Prerequisites".
Of course, the more the better but you can get away with less.<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">
<li>Could it be that that is the case in a Physical Machine rather than a VM I I can access all the resources and come closer to the "prerequisites" described before…?
Well, obviously.<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">
<li>Could it be that I need to define a Virtual Machine's hard disk size of "X" amount or more…?
You might be on to something there. I created my virtual HD 256GB large, but thin provisioned so that it doesn´t take up that much until you actually store something in it. What I´m thinking about with your rather small 15GB HD is that it doesn´t leave much
space for swapping. In your VM you said you put in 4GB of RAM. From that you should partition at least 4GB for swap, but to be completely safe you should double that up to 8GB. That would leave you with only 7GB left to install the system, all of the packages,
database, etc, etc. It would be worthwhile to try again with a bigger disk. And for less unneeded clutter, try the minimal install instead of installing a full desktop. Leaves more space for what you´re really interested in.<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">
<li>In my initial trials, I created a VBox VM with 8 Gb HD. and oVirtEngine would't install and Fedora 18 kept showing error messages something like "XYZ was without space" (can't remember the exact error text)
</li><li>I later created the Virtual HD with 15 Gb and oVirtEngine repository stuff installation was possible…!!!
<li>Could it be that the oVirtEngine "Adminnistrator Portal" needs to do something, maybe in the Postgress database or somewhere else, and is chocking for lack of HD space…?
<li>VirtualBox doesn't expand Virtual HDs automatically to well - like Parallel does.
</li><li>I haven't tried my oVirtEngine VM I began under a Parallels VM to see if I get the same effect (is.e. omer oVirt "Portals" not opening) - but then all the host machines that I have at hand have 8 Gb Ram and can't be expanded any further to meet the "prerequisites
defined at <a href="http://www.ovirt.org/Quick_Start_Guide#Prerequisites">http://www.ovirt.org/Quick_Start_Guide#Prerequisites</a>.
<blockquote type="CITE">Any ideas. In what environment have others implemented oVirtEngine successfully in the past…?
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
<blockquote type="CITE">So far, If I can't show oVirt working at least in the management side, all healthcare partners and clients of mine will go with the tried and tested like Microsoft Hyper-V or VMWare. ReHat's version of oVirt it still to expensive and
there's little if any RedHat support providers in Puerto Rico. Hence, I'l at a crossroad here and getting this to work is imperative so I can convince people to move to Linux and many will then adopt the "commercial edition" for support; but only if they
can ee that the thing works and can compete with the entrenched and competing "solutions".<br>
As a sysadmin, your job is to find the tool that works best for you and use it. Just because it´s open source doesn´t automatically make it better if you don´t know how to use it properly. In those cases using open source products might even make it more expensive
compared to a commercial product just because you spend too much time troubleshooting it instead of selling it and working with your customers.<br>
On the other hand, if you know how a system works, you don´t have to pay a lot of money for stuff you don´t need. oVirt does almost everything that VMWare does, and in a lot of the cases even does them better; in a more thought through way, that is more cloud-oriented
than any other product. And the stuff oVirt can´t do when compared it´s competitors, are in my experience, stuff that we don´t use or care about any way:)<br>
Best Regards<br>
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS <br>
M: 787-615-4884 | <a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a><br>
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
<blockquote type="CITE">On Aug 12, 2013, at 2:25 AM, Alon Bar-Lev <<a href="mailto:alonbl@redhat.com">alonbl@redhat.com</a>> wrote:
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
----- Original Message -----<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">From: "Itamar Heim" <<a href="mailto:iheim@redhat.com">iheim@redhat.com</a>><br>
To: "Richie@HIP" <<a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a>><br>
Cc: <a href="mailto:users@ovirt.org">users@ovirt.org</a><br>
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 6:56:47 AM<br>
Subject: Re: [Users] Problem Creating "oVirt Engine"<br>
On 08/12/2013 04:04 AM, Richie@HIP wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">How would I "run" the oVirtEngine in "Debug Mode"…? Any parameter needs to<br>
be set..? Which one…?<br>
I hope version 3.3 overcomes many of these setup issues. Pray to the<br>
I saw alon merged a lot of patches yesterday, so definitely worth trying<br>
if you can do a clean install with it (from nightly i guess)<br>
its a brand new installer in 3.3.<br>
merge - no... submitted.<br>
but nothing related.<br>
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS<br>
M: 787-615-4884 | <a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a><br>
On Aug 11, 2013, at 2:49 AM, Yair Zaslavsky <<a href="mailto:yzaslavs@redhat.com">yzaslavs@redhat.com</a>> wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
----- Original Message -----<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">From: "Richie@HIP" <<a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a>><br>
To: "Itamar Heim" <<a href="mailto:iheim@redhat.com">iheim@redhat.com</a>><br>
Cc: <a href="mailto:users@ovirt.org">users@ovirt.org</a><br>
Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2013 5:41:58 AM<br>
Subject: Re: [Users] Problem Creating "oVirt Engine"<br>
Last week I dove deep into a fiends network and Active Directory<br>
infrastructure trying to install oVirtEngine with default values. I was<br>
able to have AD DHCP recognize the VirtualBox oViertEngine VM and it took<br>
the better part of three (3) hours to get the DHCP to recognize the<br>
of the computer; it would show the IP and MAC address, but with <empty><br>
name. Finally I discovered that the name of the VM Fedora 18 "machine"<br>
to be defines under "System Settings > Details > Overview > Device Name;<br>
had "localloop.localdomain" and chained to "ovirtenine" and reotedh P<br>
e Name of the computer. The DNS entry had to be made by hand since for<br>
some reason the DHCP lease was not being copied to the DNS database.<br>
Once both of these (DHCP and DNS where death with, oVirtEngine installed<br>
documented - without errors and hangs.<br>
Then I opened the Welcome to oVirt Engine / Management web page. Upon<br>
to open any of the portals, I was asked to verify the "certificate";<br>
which I<br>
accepted. I grid opening the User Portal and upon being presented the<br>
screen I entered "admin" as user, and "welcome" as the password (that's<br>
I defined as password for the test VM I'm creating.) I awaited several<br>
minuted and nothing happened. I shut down the oVirtEngine VM, and<br>
the VM RAM from 4 Gb to 6 Gb. Rebooted and reconnected and was able to<br>
enter the "Users Portal", albeit after waiting almost a minute.<br>
It works…!!!<br>
But then I realized it was a premature celebration. When trying to enter<br>
"Administration Portal", seeing the login screen, more than half an hour<br>
passed and nothing happened; only a spinning cursor and hardly any disk<br>
LAN activity in the oVirtEngine VM.<br>
I copied all the entries in the engine.log related to today. I'm<br>
them as attachment so anyone can tell me why I can;t enter the<br>
"Administrator Portal". Neither can I get into the Reports Portal which<br>
even shows a message with either a typo, of a british way of expressing<br>
"legal" (it read "LeAgal" (the uppercase "A" is my way of showing the<br>
Please let me know if you have any suggestions regarding logging into the<br>
Administrator Portal. Could it be that at least one node has to exist…?<br>
the "engine.log" I can see several INFO and WAR messages, but the ERROR<br>
(which are very few) are to cryptic for me to make sense of them.<br>
I saw the log, indeed looks strange.<br>
In order to get all the data of the main screen (after login) several<br>
queries are run to the engine in order to fetch the data<br>
What I would suggest (unless someone else can see something I missed in<br>
the log) is to consider to run ovirt-engine in such a way that debug<br>
messages will be logged as well.<br>
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
oVirt is beginning to come alive on my side; but not quite there yet.<br>
help appreciated..<br>
José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS<br>
M: 787-615-4884 | <a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a><br>
On Aug 1, 2013, at 3:59 PM, Richie@HIP<br>
<<a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a>> wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">In a conversation via IRC, someone suggested that I activate "dnsmask"<br>
overcome what appears to be a DNS problem. I'll try that other<br>
possibility once I get home later today.<br>
In the mean time, what do you mean by "fixing the hostname"…? I opened<br>
fixed the HOSTNAMES and changed it from "localhost-localdomain" to<br>
"localhost.localdomain" and that made no difference. Albeit, after<br>
changing I didm;t restart, remove ovirtEngine ((using "engine-cleanup")<br>
and reinstalled via "engine-setup". Is that what you mean…?<br>
In the mean time, the fact that even if I resolve the issue of<br>
I will not be able to connect to the oVirt Nodes unless I have DNS<br>
resolution, apparently means I should do something with resolving via<br>
in my home LAN (i.e implement some sort of "DNS Cache" so I can resolve<br>
home computers via DNS inside my LAN).<br>
Any suggestions are MORE THAN WELCOME…!!!<br>
José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS<br>
M: 787-615-4884 | <a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a><br>
On Aug 1, 2013, at 2:47 PM, Itamar Heim <<a href="mailto:iheim@redhat.com">iheim@redhat.com</a>> wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">On 08/01/2013 07:13 PM, Richie@HIP wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">Is there a contact or someone that could give me tech support<br>
I'm willing to pay if the problem is solved.<br>
isn't the issue solved if you fix the hostname?<br>
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS<br>
M: 787-615-4884 | <a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a><br>
On Aug 1, 2013, at 11:43 AM, "Richie@HIP"<br>
<<a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a>> wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">Where do you want me to "open a bug entry", and thereafter, exactly<br>
will I explain it so whomever reads and later attends the bug can<br>
figure out how to reproduce it…?<br>
José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS<br>
M: 787-615-4884 | <a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a><br>
On Aug 1, 2013, at 1:04 AM, Itamar Heim <<a href="mailto:iheim@redhat.com">iheim@redhat.com</a>> wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">On 08/01/2013 01:43 AM, Richie@HIP wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">BTW - I installed oVirtEngine at a client's office using a<br>
VM. They are a large imaging center and have an Active Directory<br>
DNS in place. I Stumbled upon ALL the same problems when using the<br>
default engine setup parameters (it hung upon restarting the HTTPd<br>
Just to add to your knowledge, I began doing the oVirtEngine<br>
implementation using Parallels Desktop as well as VirtualBox in MY<br>
MacBookPro; both experience the same problems.<br>
can you please open a bug on installer to clearly state this name<br>
not work, etc?<br>
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS*<br>
M: 787-615-4884 | <a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a><br>
<<a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a>><br>
On Jul 31, 2013, at 6:29 PM, "Richie@HIP"<br>
<<a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a><br>
<<a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a>>> wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">Arr.…<br>
On June 4 2013 I sent the following message trying to overcome the<br>
FQDN issue:<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">hi oVirt Community.<br>
This will be my first posting for help to the oVirt community, so<br>
please bear with me I'f I'm not to the etiquette standards you<br>
have already.<br>
I'm trying to test oVirt as a FOSS Virtualization solution for<br>
to medium-sized healthcare organizations implementing various<br>
information technology solutions (HIT) that the new health care<br>
reform is requiring. As a Clinical informatist, I'm very<br>
about health care costs, hence I'm pushing for open source to<br>
take a<br>
wider stance in U.S. health care to reduce costs where possible<br>
divert moneys to patient care. Now enough with my altruistic<br>
desires, and let go into the deep.<br>
I'm trying to create "virtual machines" (using VirtualBox,<br>
and/or VMWare Workstation); mainly one for "oVirt Engine"; ind<br>
a the second one for "oVirt Nodes". This way, these VM's files<br>
be copier to any hardware and underlying OS, so at least the<br>
Engine" is easily installed and brought-up to facilitate managing<br>
oVirt Nodes. I considered creating ".iso" images of each<br>
(Engine and Nodes) but I'm afraid this will hit the wall for<br>
novices when installing the ".iso" images in different hardware<br>
platforms (with different processors, number of cores, RAM,<br>
I've begun with creating a VM for oVirt Engine under Parallels<br>
(albeit I began with VirtualBox, but drivers "client additions"<br>
aren't compatible with Fedora 18 - so I'll migrate this Parallels<br>
to VB once it is operational) Fedora 18 installed without a<br>
problem. I then installed all "oVirt Engine" requirements by<br>
performing the instructions published in<br>
<a href="http://www.ovirt.org/Download">http://www.ovirt.org/Download</a> - that is:<br>
sudo yum localinstall<br>
<a href="http://ovirt.org/releases/ovirt-release-fedora.noarch.rpm">http://ovirt.org/releases/ovirt-release-fedora.noarch.rpm</a><br>
sudo yum install -y ovirt-engine<br>
Third: …I get stuck…!!!<br>
When I am performing the third step, I hit the fan. Each time I<br>
perform the third step shown in the aforementioned web page<br>
(i.e. sudo engine-setup), the "Welcome to oVirt Engine setup<br>
appears and begins to run until I reach the point where I need to<br>
define a "Fully Qualified Domain Name."<br>
NOTE - A video of how to install oVirt in a single machine,<br>
"Installing oVirt on a single machine" (at:<br>
http://www.ovirt.org/Documentation) shows the process (with some<br>
exemptions because it was recorded while oVirt v3.x was in beta),<br>
I don't get what the video shows…!!!<br>
This is what I do and before getting stuck in the "FQDN thing"<br>
pun intended…!!!). As third-step, I enter:<br>
sudo engine-setup<br>
I follow the prompts that appear after the "Welcome to oVirt<br>
setup utility" is shown in the terminal window until I get to the<br>
Host fully qualified domain name. Note: this name should be fully<br>
resolvable [localhost.localdomain] :<br>
If I press "Enter", I get…:<br>
The IP ( which was resolved from the FQDN<br>
localhost.localdomain is not configured on any non loopback<br>
on this host<br>
I figured that in order to define a FQDNm I had to expose my<br>
Engine" VN to the Internet. Since I'm doing all from home (where<br>
limited to a "Dynamic IP", albeit, which hardly-ever changes) I<br>
to DynDns.org <http://DynDns.org> and created an entry so my<br>
Text-URL" would resolve to the IP where I'm at. I also modified<br>
Domain's DNS and entered a "DNS Alias" named "dcmanagement",<br>
this "DNS alias" to resolve into my IP by going to DynDNS.org<br>
<http://DynDNS.org> to get my "Public IP". Hence, the alias<br>
"dcmanagement1" resolves by going to<br>
<http://healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org>" and gets my Public<br>
NOTE - To test this setup, I do "ping" to either<br>
<http://healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org>" or<br>
<http://dcmanagement1.healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org>" and I<br>
my Dynamic Public IP back. Once the "Text URL" issue was<br>
my IP (as FQDN expect) I repeated the:<br>
sudo engine-setup<br>
Upon reaching:<br>
Host fully qualified domain name. Note: this name should be fully<br>
resolvable [localhost.localdomain] :<br>
I entered "dcmanagement1.healthcareinfopartners.com<br>
<http://dcmanagement1.healthcareinfopartners.com>" and got my<br>
IP back with the following message:<br>
The IP (70.45.xxx.xx) which was resolved from the FQDN<br>
<http://dcmanagement1.healthcareinfopartners.com> is not<br>
on any non loopback interface on this host<br>
Now, here's the question. What does anyone suggest I do to<br>
the FQDN setting and continue the installation process…?<br>
José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS<br>
M: 787-615-4884 | richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com<br>
Looking at your evaluation of my ERROR_LOG, and HOSTNAME (your<br>
and second comments) you reassured my suspicion; to go to<br>
and change "localhost-localdomain" to "localhost.localdomain".<br>
When I go to your "third" comment is where all hell breaks loose.<br>
say "/to make ovirt-engine work, you must have resolvable host via<br>
and resolved to non loopback address, so localhost will not work<br>
you/". That line appears to take me back to where I started a<br>
and half ago (see copy of my original pos for help); "localhost"<br>
"localdomain" seem to be biting me in the ass.<br>
I was told that by adding an entry to the HOST file i'd overcome<br>
need for a DNS. Not exactly the same as what you suggest and/or<br>
Since I'm doing this work at home I have a Dynamic IP. I opened<br>
account on DynDNS.or so I could resolve DNSs to my "Dynamic IP";<br>
changes every time the power goes out and back (i.e. about once a<br>
month in Puerto Rico where I'm at, and were used to that as trees<br>
tropical foliage can't be prevented from causing blackouts by<br>
on power lines).<br>
If I PING (from the "Terminal") <a href="http://healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org">
<<a href="http://healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org/">http://healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org/</a>> I get my "Public IP at<br>
Time" (i.e. my "Assigned Dynamic IP").<br>
In my <a href="http://Godaddy.com">Godaddy.com</a> <<a href="http://godaddy.com/">http://godaddy.com/</a>> DNS setting I have a CName<br>
entry for:<br>
* Host: dcmanagement1<br>
* Points To: <a href="http://healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org">healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org</a><br>
<<a href="http://healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org/">http://healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org/</a>><br>
<Screen Shot 2013-07-31 at 6.19.54 PM.png><br>
What should I use as FQDN then (which is resolved by GoDaddy's<br>
* <a href="http://healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org">healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org</a><br>
<<a href="http://healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org/">http://healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org/</a>><br>
* <a href="http://dcmanagement1.healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org">dcmanagement1.healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org</a><br>
<<a href="http://dcmanagement1.healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org/">http://dcmanagement1.healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org/</a>><br>
* something else…?<br>
The problem I see with this is that the "oVirtEngine" VM will not<br>
a valid Internet IP since it sits behind a router that is doing<br>
I could set a rule (ex. por forwarding, port triggering or a<br>
route) in my router that states that if port X is being accessed<br>
"the outside" (i.e. Internet) to route to my "oVirtEngine VM IP";<br>
which is getting it's own IP from the router's DHCP.<br>
What do you think now that you have a little more information<br>
*José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS*<br>
M: 787-615-4884 | <a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a><br>
<<a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a>><br>
On Jul 31, 2013, at 3:32 PM, Alon Bar-Lev <<a href="mailto:alonbl@redhat.com">alonbl@redhat.com</a><br>
<<a href="mailto:alonbl@redhat.com">mailto:alonbl@redhat.com</a>>> wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
----- Original Message -----<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">From: "Richie@HIP" <<a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a><br>
<<a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a>>><br>
To: "Alon Bar-Lev" <<a href="mailto:alonbl@redhat.com">alonbl@redhat.com</a><br>
<<a href="mailto:alonbl@redhat.com">mailto:alonbl@redhat.com</a>>><br>
Cc: "Itamar Heim" <<a href="mailto:iheim@redhat.com">iheim@redhat.com</a> <<a href="mailto:iheim@redhat.com">mailto:iheim@redhat.com</a>>>,<br>
<a href="mailto:users@ovirt.org">users@ovirt.org</a> <<a href="mailto:users@ovirt.org">mailto:users@ovirt.org</a>><br>
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 9:00:11 PM<br>
Subject: Re: [Users] Problem Creating "oVirt Engine"<br>
I'm having difficulties copying files between the virtual<br>
and the<br>
host (Mac OS X) so here are the contents of the LOG files you<br>
requested, and<br>
them some others; just in case:<br>
[Wed Jul 24 15:43:22.461132 2013] [core:notice] [pid 1573]<br>
enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0<br>
[Wed Jul 24 15:43:22.466439 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 1573]<br>
AH01232: suEXEC<br>
mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)<br>
[Wed Jul 24 15:43:22.470121 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 1573]<br>
3)Temporary failure in name resolution: AH01564: unable to find<br>
of "localhost-localdomain"<br>
AH00016: Configuration Failed<br>
[Thu Jul 25 18:14:34.690954 2013] [core:notice] [pid 1767]<br>
enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0<br>
[Thu Jul 25 18:14:34.740559 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 1767]<br>
AH01232: suEXEC<br>
mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)<br>
[Thu Jul 25 18:14:34.754827 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 1767]<br>
2)Name or<br>
service not known: AH01564: unable to find IPv4 address of<br>
AH00016: Configuration Failed<br>
[Thu Jul 25 18:41:37.883704 2013] [core:notice] [pid 1669]<br>
enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0<br>
[Thu Jul 25 18:41:38.007318 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 1669]<br>
AH01232: suEXEC<br>
mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)<br>
[Thu Jul 25 18:41:38.235952 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 1669]<br>
2)Name or<br>
service not known: AH01564: unable to find IPv4 address of<br>
AH00016: Configuration Failed<br>
[Thu Jul 25 22:32:24.662852 2013] [core:notice] [pid 1776]<br>
enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0<br>
[Thu Jul 25 22:32:24.667030 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 1776]<br>
AH01232: suEXEC<br>
mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)<br>
[Thu Jul 25 22:32:24.752059 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 1776]<br>
2)Name or<br>
service not known: AH01564: unable to find IPv4 address of<br>
AH00016: Configuration Failed<br>
[Thu Jul 25 22:43:58.686998 2013] [core:notice] [pid 9998]<br>
enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0<br>
[Thu Jul 25 22:43:58.688804 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 9998]<br>
AH01232: suEXEC<br>
mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)<br>
[Thu Jul 25 22:43:58.713941 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 9998]<br>
2)Name or<br>
service not known: AH01564: unable to find IPv4 address of<br>
AH00016: Configuration Failed<br>
[Wed Jul 31 11:44:35.413032 2013] [core:notice] [pid 1608]<br>
enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0<br>
[Wed Jul 31 11:44:35.594199 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 1608]<br>
AH01232: suEXEC<br>
mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)<br>
[Wed Jul 31 11:44:35.655151 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 1608]<br>
2)Name or<br>
service not known: AH01564: unable to find IPv4 address of<br>
AH00016: Configuration Failed<br>
You must fix this... host should be valid name... or at least<br>
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
[Wed Jun 05 21:34:14.169441 2013] [core:notice] [pid 9738]<br>
enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0<br>
[Wed Jun 05 21:34:14.226321 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 9738]<br>
AH01232: suEXEC<br>
mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)<br>
[Wed Jun 05 21:34:14.266895 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 9738]<br>
2)Name or<br>
service not known: AH01564: unable to find IPv4 address of<br>
AH00016: Configuration Failed<br>
[Wed Jun 05 21:46:05.696805 2013] [core:notice] [pid 10003]<br>
enabled; httpd running as context<br>
[Wed Jun 05 21:46:05.703114 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 10003]<br>
AH01232: suEXEC<br>
mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)<br>
[Wed Jun 05 21:46:05.766539 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 10003]<br>
or service not known: AH01564: unable to find IPv4 address of<br>
AH00016: Configuration Failed<br>
[Wed Jun 05 22:41:22.385838 2013] [core:notice] [pid 1228]<br>
enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0<br>
[Wed Jun 05 22:41:22.961322 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 1228]<br>
AH01232: suEXEC<br>
mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)<br>
[Wed Jun 05 22:41:23.009235 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 1228]<br>
2)Name or<br>
service not known: AH01564: unable to find IPv4 address of<br>
AH00016: Configuration Failed<br>
[Fri Jul 19 17:51:20.671533 2013] [core:notice] [pid 1133]<br>
enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0<br>
[Fri Jul 19 17:51:21.151132 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 1133]<br>
AH01232: suEXEC<br>
mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)<br>
[Fri Jul 19 17:51:21.155341 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 1133]<br>
3)Temporary failure in name resolution: AH01564: unable to find<br>
of "localhost-localdomain"<br>
AH00016: Configuration Failed<br>
[Mon Jul 22 10:53:42.080793 2013] [core:notice] [pid 1293]<br>
enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0<br>
[Mon Jul 22 10:53:42.143691 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 1293]<br>
AH01232: suEXEC<br>
mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)<br>
[Mon Jul 22 10:53:42.487376 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 1293]<br>
3)Temporary failure in name resolution: AH01564: unable to find<br>
of "localhost-localdomain"<br>
AH00016: Configuration Failed<br>
# This is a sample HOSTS file prepared by Richie Piovanetti to<br>
oVirt's "oVirtEngine"<br>
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names.<br>
# Each entry should be kept on an individual line.<br>
# The IP address should be placed in the first column followed<br>
corresponding host name.<br>
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at<br>
one space.<br>
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on<br>
individual lines<br>
# or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.<br>
# For example:<br>
# <a href="http://rhino.acme.com">rhino.acme.com</a> <<a href="http://rhino.acme.com/">http://rhino.acme.com/</a>> # source<br>
# <a href="http://x.acme.com">x.acme.com</a> <<a href="http://x.acme.com/">http://x.acme.com/</a>> # x client host<br>
<br> localhost<br>
::1localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6<br> localhost<br>
# The line above begins with the IP of the local machine (host)<br>
oVirtEngine resides<br>
Should be localhost or localhost.localdomain, but not the above.<br>
Also, to make ovirt-engine work, you must have resolvable host<br>
dns and resolved to non loopback address, so localhost will not<br>
for you.<br>
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS<br>
M: 787-615-4884 | <a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a><br>
<<a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a>><br>
On Jul 30, 2013, at 12:42 PM, Alon Bar-Lev <<a href="mailto:alonbl@redhat.com">alonbl@redhat.com</a><br>
<<a href="mailto:alonbl@redhat.com">mailto:alonbl@redhat.com</a>>> wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
----- Original Message -----<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">From: "Richie@HIP"<br>
<<a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a><br>
<<a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a>>><br>
To: "Alon Bar-Lev" <<a href="mailto:alonbl@redhat.com">alonbl@redhat.com</a><br>
<<a href="mailto:alonbl@redhat.com">mailto:alonbl@redhat.com</a>>><br>
Cc: "Itamar Heim" <<a href="mailto:iheim@redhat.com">iheim@redhat.com</a><br>
<<a href="mailto:iheim@redhat.com">mailto:iheim@redhat.com</a>>>,<br>
<a href="mailto:users@ovirt.org">users@ovirt.org</a> <<a href="mailto:users@ovirt.org">mailto:users@ovirt.org</a>><br>
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 6:42:51 PM<br>
Subject: Re: [Users] Problem Creating "oVirt Engine"<br>
Let me star by Saying, I;m using Fedora 18 Desktop; whack I've<br>
of the unnecessary stuff (games, libreOffice, mail server, and<br>
"utilities") to strip it down. Then I run YUM to "-update"<br>
whatever is<br>
in Fedora 18 Desktop.<br>
When setting up the oVirt Engine, if I accept the<br>
recommendations, the<br>
"engine-setup" process hangs "try to restart the HTTPd"; gives<br>
and aborts the rest of the process. I've included terminal<br>
and logs<br>
(i.e. "as attachments") in prior email everyone you to see…!!!<br>
I DO<br>
accept the recommendations related to the HTTPd, then the<br>
AS EXPECTED and gives me port 8700 for the main page, and 8701<br>
for all<br>
oVirtEngine "portals". I've looked at the engine-etup log and<br>
when the python script is trying to restart HHTPd. Look at the<br>
2013_07_25_10_55_PM_TerminalOutput - Terminal output dump IF I<br>
ACCEPT the<br>
engine-setup_2013_07_25_22_35_14 - engine-setup "log" IF I<br>
I would like to know why httpd is not started at your machine.<br>
Can you please send /var/log/httpd/error_log,<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">2013_07_25_11_30_PM_TerminalOutput - Terminal output dump if I<br>
the defaults<br>
engine-setup_2013_07_25_23_27_15 - engine-setup "log" if I DO<br>
I've never reached a point where I've been asked to "accept of<br>
reject a<br>
"Certificate"; I've just been able to open the "oVirt Engine<br>
(through port 8700 - ex. at <a href="http://ovirt.localhost.local:8700">http://ovirt.localhost.local:8700</a><br>
<<a href="http://ovirt.localhost.local:8700/">http://ovirt.localhost.local:8700/</a>>")<br>
I've had my concerns as to the following:<br>
What about removing all HTTP (apache, tomcat, etc.) fro<br>
stripping fedora even more, prior to running "engine-setup".<br>
There must be an error trapping failure to restart HTTPd in<br>
that needs to be attended.<br>
Please see attachments<br>
José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS<br>
M: 787-615-4884 | <a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a><br>
<<a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a>><br>
On Jul 29, 2013, at 7:29 AM, Alon Bar-Lev <<a href="mailto:alonbl@redhat.com">alonbl@redhat.com</a><br>
<<a href="mailto:alonbl@redhat.com">mailto:alonbl@redhat.com</a>>> wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
----- Original Message -----<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">From: "Richie@HIP"<br>
<<a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a><br>
<<a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a>>><br>
To: "Alon Bar-Lev" <<a href="mailto:alonbl@redhat.com">alonbl@redhat.com</a><br>
<<a href="mailto:alonbl@redhat.com">mailto:alonbl@redhat.com</a>>><br>
Cc: "Itamar Heim" <<a href="mailto:iheim@redhat.com">iheim@redhat.com</a><br>
<<a href="mailto:iheim@redhat.com">mailto:iheim@redhat.com</a>>>,<br>
<a href="mailto:users@ovirt.org">users@ovirt.org</a> <<a href="mailto:users@ovirt.org">mailto:users@ovirt.org</a>><br>
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2013 6:45:28 AM<br>
Subject: Re: [Users] Problem Creating "oVirt Engine"<br>
Herein the terminal output after removing oVirtEngine and<br>
this time NOT overriding the https configuration.<br>
Why not follow the recommendation?<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">Again, I was able to open the oVirt Engine "Welcome to Open<br>
Manager" screen in Firefox using<br>
as URL,<br>
can't enter any of the portals (requiring access to port<br>
What do you get? what error in browser? you should accept the<br>
before you are permitted by the browser to access this site.<br>
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS<br>
M: 787-615-4884 |<br>
<a href="mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com">richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com</a><br>
On Jul 25, 2013, at 11:22 PM, "Richie@HIP"<br>
<mailto:richiepiovanetti@healthcareinfopartners.com>> wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">Did what you said; removed existing installation and<br>
oVirtEngine. Below is the output in the terminal:<br>
I DID NOT change the defaults of the installation defaults<br>
related to<br>
"overriding current https configuration", and as weeks<br>
installation hangs with an error when restarting the "httpd<br>
include the terminal output and engine-setup log file for<br>
to see.<br>
I'll redo the removal and installation, this time process<br>
next time<br>
"NOT overriding https configuration". Wait for a follow up<br>
email with<br>
these results.<br>
José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS<br>
M: 787-615-4884 |<br>
On Jul 24, 2013, at 4:18 PM, Alon Bar-Lev<br>
<mailto:alonbl@redhat.com>> wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
----- Original Message -----<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">From: "Richie@HIP"<br>
To: "Alon Bar-Lev" <alonbl@redhat.com<br>
Cc: "Itamar Heim" <iheim@redhat.com<br>
<mailto:iheim@redhat.com>>, users@ovirt.org<br>
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 11:00:04 PM<br>
Subject: Re: [Users] Problem Creating "oVirt Engine"<br>
Herein a collection of some of the logs in the path<br>
"engine.log" I'm including the one with the oldest date<br>
Can you please remove installation using:<br>
# engine-cleanup<br>
Then reinstall:<br>
# engine-setup<br>
Please select integration with apache, and configure SSL.<br>
After doing so, try to login using<br>
if not<br>
working please send the engine.log.<br>
<blockquote type="CITE">
<blockquote type="CITE">
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
Users mailing list<br>
<a href="mailto:Users@ovirt.org">Users@ovirt.org</a><br>
Users mailing list<br>
<a href="mailto:Users@ovirt.org">Users@ovirt.org</a><br>
<blockquote type="CITE"><br>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<td>-- <br>
Med Vänliga Hälsningar<br>
Karli Sjöberg<br>
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences<br>
Box 7079 (Visiting Address Kronåsvägen 8)<br>
S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden<br>
Phone: +46-(0)18-67 15 66<br>
<a href="mailto:karli.sjoberg@adm.slu.se">karli.sjoberg@slu.se</a> </td>