On 01/28/2015 04:56 AM, Kanagaraj wrote: <br>
<font color="#000000">> </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> On 01/27/2015 06:47 PM, Sven Kieske wrote: </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> On 27/01/15 13:56, Jorick Astrego wrote: </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>>> For both we provision some custom os install and configuration. </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>>> Currently I am only able to manage and view gluster volumes from ovirt </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>>> when the "Enable Gluster Service" is enabled for the Cluster. Right? </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> AFAIK correct. </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> Right. </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>>> There is a "Enable Virt Service" flag but the options is selected and </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>>> greyed out. So I'm not able to disable it. </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> Mhm this is sad. I'm not aware of any bug tracking this, will you open </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> one? It's also possible I missed it, there are too many bugs to </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> remember them all. </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> This can happen if there are any VMS in the cluster you are trying to </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> edit. </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> Do you have any VMS running on the cluster? </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> If you create cluster with just 'Enable Gluster Service' selected, you </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> should be able to manage your gluster hosts. Here the hosts need not </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> to have any virtualization stuff in it. </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> Thanks, </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> Kanagaraj </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> </font><br>
Ah this could be a problem, I had been testing with nodes too that I <br>
removed although I cannot remember the exact sequence. <br>
There may have been some remnants of vm's on there, I'm currently <br>
reprovisioning the whole environment so I cannot check. <br>
What I did test before wiping everything, is creating a new cluster and <br>
I was able to deselect the virt service and select gluster only. So that <br>
appears to work, nice! <br>
One problem I already noticed is that the import current gluster setup <br>
function doesn't work properly in our environment. We use a seperate <br>
gluster storage lan that isn't the sepearated from our ovirtmgmt lan and <br>
I think this messes things up a bit. <br>
But I will see after provisioning has finished. <br>
Thanks a lot so far! <br>
<BR />
<BR />
<b style="color:#604c78"></b><br><span style="color:#604c78;"><font color="000000"><span style="mso-fareast-language:en-gb;" lang="NL">Met vriendelijke groet, With kind regards,<br><br></span>Jorick Astrego</font></span><b style="color:#604c78"><br><br>Netbulae Virtualization Experts </b><br><hr style="border:none;border-top:1px solid #ccc;"><table style="width: 522px"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 130px;font-size: 10px">Tel: 053 20 30 270</td> <td style="width: 130px;font-size: 10px">info@netbulae.eu</td> <td style="width: 130px;font-size: 10px">Staalsteden 4-3A</td> <td style="width: 130px;font-size: 10px">KvK 08198180</td></tr><tr> <td style="width: 130px;font-size: 10px">Fax: 053 20 30 271</td> <td style="width: 130px;font-size: 10px">www.netbulae.eu</td> <td style="width: 130px;font-size: 10px">7547 TA Enschede</td> <td style="width: 130px;font-size: 10px">BTW NL821234584B01</td></tr></tbody></table><br><hr style="border:none;border-top:1px solid #ccc;"><BR />