.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'>Hello,<br><br><br>I performed a storage migration of a CentOS 6 VM and while the migration was succesfull (based on the output in the tasks tab on the bottom of the webadmin portal) the Disks on the VM's tab weren't refreshed with the new Storage Domain information and remained locked.<br><br><br>I removed the lock by running "update images set imagestatus = 1 where imagestatus = 2;" on the database but the storage domain wasn't updated to the new one and kept the original location.<br><br><br>Now I'm unable to start the VM probably because the disks have been migrated but the information on the database stills points on the old storage domain.<br><br><br>The vdsm log throws the following error at VM startup:<br><br><br>Thread-887::ERROR::2015-04-17 10:08:11,831::task::866::Storage.TaskManager.Task::(_setError) Task=`7b51e15b-b04f-4f17-8096-882beffc1a6f`::Unexpected error<br>Thread-887::ERROR::2015-04-17 10:08:11,953::dispatcher::76::Storage.Dispatcher::(wrapper) {'status': {'message': "Logical volume does not exist: ('d3ec9e08-1e83-449e-b09d-dd50a4f7102f/d0870749-36b0-4ab2-91a5-4743c690551a',)", 'code': 610}}<br>Thread-887::ERROR::2015-04-17 10:08:11,975::vm::2331::vm.Vm::(_startUnderlyingVm) vmId=`1282c0ed-f753-4484-bb4e-82d41febbba4`::The vm start process failed<br><br><br>Similarly the engine log throws the following error:<br><br><br>2015-04-17 09:39:42,174 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-94) [4c6a284] Correlation ID: null, Call Stack: null, Custom Event ID: -1, Message: VM testvm is down with error. Exit message: ('Failed to get size for volume %s', 'd0870749-36b0-4ab2-91a5-4743c690551a').<br>2015-04-17 09:39:42,175 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VdsUpdateRunTimeInfo] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-94) [4c6a284] Running on vds during rerun failed vm: null<br>2015-04-17 09:39:42,177 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VdsUpdateRunTimeInfo] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-94) [4c6a284] VM testvm (1282c0ed-f753-4484-bb4e-82d41febbba4) is running in db and not running in VDS node01<br>2015-04-17 09:39:42,178 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VdsUpdateRunTimeInfo] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-94) [4c6a284] add VM testvm to HA rerun treatment<br>2015-04-17 09:39:42,199 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VdsUpdateRunTimeInfo] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-94) [4c6a284] Rerun vm 1282c0ed-f753-4484-bb4e-82d41febbba4. Called from vds node01<br><br><br>How can I fix this? Do I have to edit the database? How can I find which is the correct logical volume associated with the VM?<br><br><br>Thank you,<br><br><br>Sokratis<br> </div></body>