On 05/21/2015 02:47 AM, Chris Jones - BookIt.com Systems Administrator <br>
wrote: <br>
<font color="#000000">>> Another issue may be that the setting for COMPELNT/Compellent Vol are </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> wrong; </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> the setting we ship is missing lot of settings that exists in the </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> builtin </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> setting, and this may have bad effect. If your devices match this , I </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> would </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> try this multipath configuration, instead of the one vdsm configures. </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> device { </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> vendor "COMPELNT" </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> product "Compellent Vol" </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> path_grouping_policy "multibus" </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> path_checker "tur" </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> features "0" </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> hardware_handler "0" </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> prio "const" </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> failback "immediate" </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> rr_weight "uniform" </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> no_path_retry fail </font><br>
<font color="#000000">>> } </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> I wish I could. We're using the CentOS 7 ovirt-node-iso. The </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> multipath.conf is less than ideal but when I tried updating it, oVirt </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> instantly overwrites it. To be clear, yes I know changes do not </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> survive reboots and yes I know about persist, but it changes it while </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> running. Live! Persist won't help there. </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> I also tried building a CentOS 7 "thick client" where I set up CentOS </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> 7 first, added the oVirt repo, then let the engine provision it. Same </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> problem with multipath.conf being overwritten with the default oVirt </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> setup. </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> So I tried to be slick about it. I made the multipath.conf immutable. </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> That prevented the engine from being able to activate the node. It </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> would fail on a vds command that gets the nodes capabilities and part </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> of what it does is reads then overwrites multipath.conf. </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> How do I safely update multipath.conf? </font><br>
<font color="#000000">> </font><br>
Somehow the multipath.conf that oVirt generates forces my HDD RAID <br>
controller disks to change from /dev/sdb* and /dev/sdc*. So I had to <br>
blacklist these. <br>
I was able to persist it by adding "# RHEV PRIVATE" right below the "# <br>
Hope this helps <br>
<BR />
<BR />
<b style="color:#604c78"></b><br><span style="color:#604c78;"><font color="000000"><span style="mso-fareast-language:en-gb;" lang="NL">Met vriendelijke groet, With kind regards,<br><br></span>Jorick Astrego</font></span><b style="color:#604c78"><br><br>Netbulae Virtualization Experts </b><br><hr style="border:none;border-top:1px solid #ccc;"><table style="width: 522px"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 130px;font-size: 10px">Tel: 053 20 30 270</td> <td style="width: 130px;font-size: 10px">info@netbulae.eu</td> <td style="width: 130px;font-size: 10px">Staalsteden 4-3A</td> <td style="width: 130px;font-size: 10px">KvK 08198180</td></tr><tr> <td style="width: 130px;font-size: 10px">Fax: 053 20 30 271</td> <td style="width: 130px;font-size: 10px">www.netbulae.eu</td> <td style="width: 130px;font-size: 10px">7547 TA Enschede</td> <td style="width: 130px;font-size: 10px">BTW NL821234584B01</td></tr></tbody></table><br><hr style="border:none;border-top:1px solid #ccc;"><BR />