2018-01-07 13:19:48,537 p=2748 u=ovirt | [DEPRECATION WARNING]: The use of 'include' for tasks has been deprecated. Use 'import_tasks' for static inclusions or 'include_tasks' for dynamic inclusions. This feature will be removed in a future release. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg. 2018-01-07 13:19:48,537 p=2748 u=ovirt | [DEPRECATION WARNING]: include is kept for backwards compatibility but usage is discouraged. The module documentation details page may explain more about this rationale.. This feature will be removed in a future release. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg. 2018-01-07 13:19:48,647 p=2748 u=ovirt | PLAY [all] ********************************************************************* 2018-01-07 13:19:48,658 p=2748 u=ovirt | TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* 2018-01-07 13:19:49,650 p=2748 u=ovirt | ok: [ovhost5.exfo.com] 2018-01-07 13:19:49,656 p=2748 u=ovirt | TASK [ovirt-host-deploy-facts : Fetch info about VDSM] ************************* 2018-01-07 13:19:50,053 p=2748 u=ovirt | ok: [ovhost5.exfo.com] 2018-01-07 13:19:50,059 p=2748 u=ovirt | TASK [ovirt-host-deploy-facts : Set facts] ************************************* 2018-01-07 13:19:50,084 p=2748 u=ovirt | ok: [ovhost5.exfo.com] 2018-01-07 13:19:50,090 p=2748 u=ovirt | TASK [ovirt-provider-ovn-driver : Install ovirt-provider-ovn-driver] *********** 2018-01-07 13:19:50,107 p=2748 u=ovirt | skipping: [ovhost5.exfo.com] 2018-01-07 13:19:50,113 p=2748 u=ovirt | TASK [ovirt-provider-ovn-driver : Ensure ovn-controller is started] ************ 2018-01-07 13:19:50,130 p=2748 u=ovirt | skipping: [ovhost5.exfo.com] 2018-01-07 13:19:50,136 p=2748 u=ovirt | TASK [ovirt-provider-ovn-driver : Ensure Open vSwitch is started] ************** 2018-01-07 13:19:50,153 p=2748 u=ovirt | skipping: [ovhost5.exfo.com] 2018-01-07 13:19:50,159 p=2748 u=ovirt | TASK [ovirt-provider-ovn-driver : Configure OVN for oVirt] ********************* 2018-01-07 13:19:50,176 p=2748 u=ovirt | skipping: [ovhost5.exfo.com] 2018-01-07 13:19:50,182 p=2748 u=ovirt | TASK [ovirt-host-deploy-libvirt-guests : Setup the configuration file] ********* 2018-01-07 13:19:51,005 p=2748 u=ovirt | ok: [ovhost5.exfo.com] 2018-01-07 13:19:51,011 p=2748 u=ovirt | TASK [ovirt-host-deploy-libvirt-guests : Start libvirt-guests service and ensure its enabled] *** 2018-01-07 13:19:51,527 p=2748 u=ovirt | changed: [ovhost5.exfo.com] 2018-01-07 13:19:51,533 p=2748 u=ovirt | TASK [ovirt-host-deploy-firewalld : Check if VDSM version is supported for FirewallD] *** 2018-01-07 13:19:51,550 p=2748 u=ovirt | skipping: [ovhost5.exfo.com] 2018-01-07 13:19:51,556 p=2748 u=ovirt | TASK [ovirt-host-deploy-firewalld : Stop iptables service if running] ********** 2018-01-07 13:19:51,570 p=2748 u=ovirt | skipping: [ovhost5.exfo.com] 2018-01-07 13:19:51,576 p=2748 u=ovirt | TASK [ovirt-host-deploy-firewalld : Check if firewalld is installed] *********** 2018-01-07 13:19:51,588 p=2748 u=ovirt | skipping: [ovhost5.exfo.com] 2018-01-07 13:19:51,594 p=2748 u=ovirt | TASK [ovirt-host-deploy-firewalld : Check if firewalld is runnning] ************ 2018-01-07 13:19:51,607 p=2748 u=ovirt | skipping: [ovhost5.exfo.com] 2018-01-07 13:19:51,613 p=2748 u=ovirt | TASK [ovirt-host-deploy-firewalld : Enable SSH port] *************************** 2018-01-07 13:19:51,625 p=2748 u=ovirt | skipping: [ovhost5.exfo.com] 2018-01-07 13:19:51,631 p=2748 u=ovirt | TASK [ovirt-host-deploy-firewalld : Apply default firewalld rules] ************* 2018-01-07 13:19:51,651 p=2748 u=ovirt | skipping: [ovhost5.exfo.com] => (item=[u'common', True]) 2018-01-07 13:19:51,657 p=2748 u=ovirt | skipping: [ovhost5.exfo.com] => (item=[u'virt', u'true']) 2018-01-07 13:19:51,663 p=2748 u=ovirt | skipping: [ovhost5.exfo.com] => (item=[u'gluster', u'false']) 2018-01-07 13:19:51,668 p=2748 u=ovirt | TASK [ovirt-host-deploy-firewalld : Apply cluster specific firewalld rules] **** 2018-01-07 13:19:51,688 p=2748 u=ovirt | skipping: [ovhost5.exfo.com] => (item=[u'common', True]) 2018-01-07 13:19:51,693 p=2748 u=ovirt | skipping: [ovhost5.exfo.com] => (item=[u'virt', u'true']) 2018-01-07 13:19:51,699 p=2748 u=ovirt | skipping: [ovhost5.exfo.com] => (item=[u'gluster', u'false']) 2018-01-07 13:19:51,707 p=2748 u=ovirt | TASK [Check if post tasks file exists] ***************************************** 2018-01-07 13:19:51,835 p=2748 u=ovirt | ok: [ovhost5.exfo.com -> localhost] 2018-01-07 13:19:51,841 p=2748 u=ovirt | TASK [Executing post tasks defined by user] ************************************ 2018-01-07 13:19:51,852 p=2748 u=ovirt | skipping: [ovhost5.exfo.com] 2018-01-07 13:19:51,854 p=2748 u=ovirt | PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* 2018-01-07 13:19:51,854 p=2748 u=ovirt | ovhost5.exfo.com : ok=6 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0