The oVirt project just released an oVirt 4.4.3 async , as of December 1st, 2020.

This release fixes the following bugs:

1850939 Hosted engine deployment does not properly show iSCSI LUN errors

1895553 Add pre-flight in cockpit deployment flow to check for disk block sizes used for bricks and LV cache to be identical

1895277 [DR] Remote data sync to the secondary site never completes

1895762 cockpit ovirt(downstream) docs links point to upstream docs

1835685 [Hosted-Engine] "Installation Guide" and "RHV Documents" didn't jump to the correct pages in hosted engine page

1858248 Volume creation with 6 or more nodes in cluster, should allow users to select the hosts for brick creation

1895356 Upgrade to 4.4.2 will fail due to dangling symlinks


Lev Veyde

Senior Software Engineer, RHCE | RHCVA | MCITP

Red Hat Israel |