- I am using ovirt 3.6 pre + 3.6 snapshot- All OS updated- FC22 for both hypervior and the vm engine- hosted-engine : 2Gb- NFS4 for storage: vm_engine + data + iso + export- one hypervisor 8GbHi,I redid a new deploy of hosted-engine setup:
The installation went smoothly.
After adding the first Data domain, the engine tried to import the hosted-storage, but couldn't activate itI detached the hosted-storage, then I removed it, the engine re-imported it again, this time with success, I could activate it, and voila the VM engine showed up on the webui..... but
I couldn't edit the VM engine, I tried add a new nic card, when I click OK to submit the change :
First I got the error : Cannot set single display to non Linux operating system.the VM engine OS was set to OtherOS on webui, since there no FC22 on the list, I selected Linux, the error disappeared, but then I got another error.When I try to modify the engine's properties, I get "Cannot edit Virtual Machine Disk, The VM is not managed by the engine"
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www.avast.com2015-12-14 18:07 GMT+01:00 Roman Mohr <rmohr@redhat.com>:_______________________________________________On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 12:45 PM, Roman Mohr <rmohr@redhat.com> wrote:On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 12:41 PM, Sandro Bonazzola <sbonazzo@redhat.com> wrote:Hi,oVirt 3.6.1 RC4 included latest bits allowing to auto import Hosted Engine storage domain within the Engine.In order to have a wider coverage of the Hosted Engine workflow we've scheduled a Hosted Engine test day for next weekon Monday, December 14th.Please join us testing Hosted Engine with oVirt 3.6.1 RC4, both on a clean install and on an upgrade from 3.5 flow.+1Will at least do a clean install with nfs on monday.The hosted-engine-setup part worked for me. But activating the host which was added by engine-setup failed. After the host was added to the cluster I saw that it was in 'Non Operational' state.Searching the logs I found
> Message: Host hosted_engine_1 does not comply with the cluster Default emulated machines. The current cluster compatibility level supports [pc-i440fx-rhel7.2.0, pc-i440fx-2.1, pseries-rhel7.2.0] and the host emulated machines are pc-i440fx-rhel7.1.0,rhel6.3.0,pc-q35-rhel7.0.0,rhel6.1.0,rhel6.6.0, rhel6.2.0,pc,pc-q35-rhel7.1.0,q35,rhel6.4.0,rhel6.0.0,rhel6.5.0,pc-i440fx-rhel7.0.0.My host is RHEL 7.1. After I tried to klick 'Reset emulated machines' on the default cluster, the engine tried to activate the host but failed with the following SQL exception on the AddExistingFileStorageDomainCommand:
> 2015-12-14 16:25:40,336 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.storage.AddExistingFileStorageDomainCommand] (org.ovirt.thread.pool-8-thread-7) [789ca4b] Command 'org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.sto rage.AddExistingFileStorageDomainCommand' failed: CallableStatementCallback; SQL [{call insertstorage_domain_static(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}]; ERROR: null value in column "s torage" violates not-null constraint
[...]Log is attached.ovirt-engine version is,--Sandro Bonazzola
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