
Did you check if any event (entityChangedEvent) was raised once the checkbox value is changed?
Did you check if it was added to the widget events map (as part of widget_DriverImpl file)?
It's hard to understand the problem without reviewing the code. Can you please send a patch draft?


On Tue, Dec 24, 2019 at 8:41 AM Prajith Kesava Prasad <pkesavap@redhat.com> wrote:

During the implementation of a checkbox editor in ovirt-engine code, im facing an issue, the checkbox is shown in the ui fine by adding  the appropriate popup view and its corresponding java file, i have also set the getter and setter method in the equivalent model class as well,  now, im unable to get the value change in the checkbox no matter what, i tried al the possible ways , i tried looking at how other checkbox editor is implemented, but no luck.
No matter whether the checkbox is marked or not marked its set as Fasle,

could someone help me with this?

Thanks& Regards,