On 6. 12. 2021, at 12:16, Martin Perina <mperina@redhat.com> wrote:


I've tried to move ovirt-engine-extensions-api to github and setup GH action to build to have some sort of a basic template for all our Java based projects:

During the work I discovered some parts which should be further discussed:

1. Most of projects requires packages from ovirt-master-release RPM repositories to build itself
    - In past we have been using https://resources.ovirt.org/pub/yum-repo/ovirt-release-master.rpm to fetch the latest version of this RPM
    - Do we plan to keep it and have this URL as the main source for oVirt master repositories?
    - ovirt-engine-extensions-api projects requires only Virt SIG repo so I've applied below hack to provide it:
    - I don't like the solution, it would be much nicer to have a constant URL for the latest ovirt-release-master RPM

I'd say the canonical way to use it should be
dnf copr enable ovirt/ovirt-master-snapshot
dnf install ovirt-release-master

2. Providing RPM repositories for different OS inside single build artifact
    - I wanted to build the project for both CentOS Stream 8 and 9, but I figured out that upload-artifact action merges results for all different OS builds into a single directory, so created repositories are mixed together.
    - I've use GH strategy option and used centos-stream-8 for CS8 and centos-stream-9 for CS9 builds:
    - Do we already have that documented so an OST plugin to use those artifacts per OS can be created? If not, where to put it?

not yet. but we wanted to "develop" a unified artifact structiure with repodata so taht it can be then consumed as a repo elsewhere

3. Using maven cache for Java project builds
    - When build maven projects in jenkins.ovirt.org we were using artifactory.ovirt.org to cache maven artifacts (and also save download bandwidth to PHX datacenter)
    - It doesn't make to use artifactory.ovirt.org inside GH actions, so I've tried to define a GH action specific cache:

4. Caching required dependencies
    - Above maven dependencies helps for maven invocations before RPM build but it doesn't help to fetch all required RPM dependencies for pro RPM maven based build
    - Right now it's almost 500 GB of packages to download and install on top of the default container and it for ovirt-engine-extensions-api it takes 50 % of the whole build
      time just to download and install those packages (I know it's just 1 minute, but anyway :-)
    - I've noticed that VDSM is using its own customized container
    - Wouldn't it be worthwhile to also create customized containers for Java based projects?

I think our own container with these dependencies would be great

5. Differences between CS8 and CS9
    - There are again some disturbing changes between CS8 and CS9:
        - PowerTools repo from CS8 is now called CRB in CS9
        - pki-deps javapackages-tools modules from CS8 don't exist in CS9
        - Core DNF plugins are not installed by default in CS9 container
    - To bypass those differences I've create 2 different shell scripts and plug them into a single workflow job:

6. git commands cannot be easily used inside GH action
    - GH doesn't checkout the project completely during checkout action, so .git directory is not present
    - In the past I've been using 'git archive' to create .tar.gz source archive, but on GH it needed to be switched to a classic tar
    - In the past I've been using 'git rev-list' to fetch short git hash for snapshot builds, but on GH it needed to be switched to below hack

did you try options from https://github.com/actions/checkout#usage?



Martin Perina
Manager, Software Engineering
Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
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