The deploy process wrote it to me at the beginning. I don't have screenshots from it, but it was clear. Since I only have one DC and one Cluster, and I don't want the new HE to put in an another, I think i must do it, or my restore process will halt, or I may get Two clusters with 1-1 machine, but not that what I want.Hi, On Sun, Sep 5, 2021 at 9:19 AM <> wrote:Hy! I've just finished the process in the subject, and want to share a few things with others, and also want to ask a question.Thanks :-)Long story "short" (it's my IT infra@home, I've oVirt in bigger setups at work): I had 3 machines before: two desktop, and one Dell R710 server. One of the desktop running FreeNAS with an SSD RAID1, the other desktop and my Dell machine was my two hypervisors. Luckily, i've just got two HP DL380 G6, which become my hypervisors, and my Dell machine became the TrueNAS storage (redundant PSU, more core, more RAM, more disk :) ). When I started the procedure, I used the latest oVirt 4.3, but it was the time to upgrade the version, and also want to migrage all my Data (with the self hosted engine too) to the TrueNAS Dell machine (but... I've only have the two SSD on my old FreeNAS, so it has to be moved) After I replaced the hypervisors, and migrated all my VM data to the new storage to new disks (iSCSI->iSCSI, live and cold storage migration) it was the time, to shut off the FreeNAS, and start the HE redeploy. The main steps, what I take: - Undeployed the hosted-engine from the host with ID: 2 (the ID came from hosted-engine --vm-status command, the machine name is: Jupiter) - Moved all my VMs to this host, only the HE remained on the machine with ID: 1 (name: Saturn) - Removed the remained stuff with: "hosted-engine --clean-metadata --host-id=2 --force-clean", so the Saturn was the only machine capable of running the HE - Set Global maintenance mode=true - Stop the ovirt-engine in the old HE machine - Create a backup with "engine-backup --mode=backup --file=engine.backup --log=engine-backup.log" and copy it to an another machine (my desktop actually) - "hosted-engine --vm-shutdown" - Saturn shutdown, 4.4.6 installer in (it was written to DVD before, don't want to create another) Saturn complete reinstall. - FreeNAS shutdown, SSD moved to TrueNAS, RAID 1/zVol create, iSCSI export... - After the base network was created, and the backup was moved back to the new Saturn, I started the new host deploy with: "hosted-engine --deploy --restore-from-file=engine.backup" Catch 1 and 2: If you do this, you must know the old DC and the Cluster name!Are you sure you _must_? I think it will create new DC/cluster for you if you type new names. Obviously, this might not be what you want. So probably what you mean is something like:
The tool not do this, since this question was at the beginning, but the restore file only used (at least based the ansible tasks, what I saw running) after the local VM created, and it just copied back to it, and started engine-restoreIf I restore from backup, I think the tool should check the DC/cluster names in the backup, and let me select among them, perhaps even try to intelligently guess the one that should be default (or just pick one at random).
Maybe :)I agree this makes sense, you are welcome to file an RFE bug. Not sure it will be prioritized - patches are welcome!
I think it's not a bug, it's my fault, but I did this (after unpacked the backup file, and get the two .db from it)write it down somewhere! or you need to get out the PSQL dbs from the backup, and extract from it... (like i had to)Would also be useful if you detail your commands as a workaround, if you file such a bug.
I cant reproduce it, at least not now, but it's looks like a bug. I have two more oVirt 4.3, which has to be upgraded in 2021 - if nothing blocking happen at work - so I may be able to reproduce it later.The process goes almost flawless, but at some point, I've got a deployment error (code: 519) which tells me, the Saturn have missing networks, and I can connect to https://saturn.mope.local:6900/ovirt-engine Catch 3: this URL not worked, since it was not the HE's URL, and I cannot login because the FQDN checking...The deploy process temporarily configures the engine to allow using the host's FQDN to connect to the engine, and forwards port 6900 for you. There might have been other complications I do not understand that prevented this from working well. What happened when you tried? If you think this is a real bug, and can reliably reproduce it, please file one in bugzilla. Thanks!
I understand completly ;) there is no two same setup...This may need some further improvement ;) After some thinking, finally I've made a socks proxy with SSH (1080 forwarded to Saturn) and I was able to login to the locally running HE and make the network changes, which was required to continue the deploy process... Also (since the old FreeNAS box was on my desk, the HE and the two hypervisor was unable to connect to my old SSD iSCSI, so I have to remove it...I understand this was somewhat annoying, but you have to realize that there are many different backup/restore/upgrade/migration scenarios, and it's not easy to decide what's best to do.
How can I remove from the engine the domain, which the engine running from? (and only the engine... all other VMs copied to other place)In your specific case, if you are confident that you'll not need to be able to abort in the middle and revert to the old engine+storage, you could have removed it from the engine before taking the backup.
Thanks.(cannot put on maintenance, but I was able to delete it from Storage->Domains tab) After this, Saturn came up, got the "green arrow", so I removed the lock file which the deploy give me, and the deploy continued... After this, I selected the new SSD RAID1 on my Dell iSCSI box, and the deploy was finally able to copy the HE to the iSCSI, so far so good :) Finally, I've got my new 4.4.6 setup, with Self hosted HE on my new TrueNAS@Dell. (and all my VMs running on Jupiter at this time, without any errors) The next step was to live migrate off Jupiter to Saturn, DVD in, Jupiter remove from the Cluster, and reinstall to 4.4.6, and readd Jupiter (this time, with HE deployed again) After I've put back Jupiter, and made the required initial setup with the network (VLANs pulled to the bonds, iSCSI IPs set, etc) the cluster was up and running. The next step was to upgrade the hypervisors to the latest image with rolling update, it was worked as before, so the time come to move the cluster and DC compatilbility level from 4.3 -> 4.6... This forced me to reboot all my VMs, as it written when I made this change, but this worked too. At last: I've restarted the HE with hosted-engine --vm-shutdown / --vm-start, because it has some "!" at the BIOS version... And this is my question actually: after the restart, the BIOS version of the HE machine remained the old one, and still have the "!" which states: "The chipset/firmware type doen not match the cluster chipset/firmware type" Doen anyone know, how can the HE BIOS updated after compatibility leve increase?Sorry, not sure. Perhaps you can try to edit the VM from the web admin ui. Adding Arik.
I think you wrong. This not came because of I used 4.4.6 installer... This issue started, when I moved up the cluster compatibility level.Generally speaking: 1. The VM is created fresh, unrelated to anything in your backup, IMO. 2. So this is perhaps a result of starting from 4.4.6. To prevent this, you could have upgraded the host to latest version *before* starting the deploy/restore. But I might be wrong.
Okay! Should I send it there too, and move the conversation to the user list?Sorry, if my mail should be goes to the users list, but because of "Catch 3" I think is's better here.Generally speaking it should have been on the users list - most bugs are reported there, not here. But that's ok :-). This list is more for developers. E.g. If you decide to write a patch for one of the above issues, you might want to discuss it here if needed.
I had to figure out a few things by myself :)Also I want to write this down, maybe someone find usefull, and this procedure can be used in the Docs too, if you want!I think most of what you wrote is already covered by docs, no?
Okay, i'll if I have some time, read them again.You might want to also check RHV docs (right now they tend to be more up-to-date than oVirt), and also open docs bugs in bugzilla. If you think there is something concrete missing, please file a docs bug (and if it's missing in oVirt and exists in RHV, that's not a reason to not file the bug - from oVirt's POV, the bug exists!).
Thanks and best regards,
Erdősi Péter
IKT Fejlesztési Főosztály
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