On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 4:56 PM, Вячеслав Бадалян <v.badalyan@open-bs.ru> wrote:

Sorry, entering a bug into the product oVirt has been disabled 

And lets go.

A) If host with ovirt have iscsi target we will have bug troubles.

Its looks like
1. Create targetcli from LVM

Do yo mean, create a LUN backed by block device (LV)?
2. All ok
3. Reboot
4/ LVM found oVIrt partitions and connect it.

What are ovirt partitions? I'm not aware of any.
5. targetcli can't get device. It's allready busy.

If you add some filter to don's search iscsi devices then ovirt does not work correctly.

What filters?

Can you explain what are you trying to do?

B) Some throuble with glusterD. VSDM do mount of hosted engine volume and this host is aslo GluserD Server. Bug troubles. 

Running gluster and vdsm on same machine (hyperconverge) is not supported yet.
It is planned for next version.
C) If i reboot 1 of 3 gluster servers then hosted engine will very slowly. Have many errors in dmes, Agent-ha reboot VM. Vm can't conect to don't full cluster and stuck in Paused mode. Realy... 

Its all look so bad... i mirgrate to NFS :(

Do you run gluster on the hypervisors, or on separate machines?

(Adding Sahina and Simone)
D) Network conffugurate realy bad. If i need to change network i can't do it. oVirt save posted from web settings. Bug vsdm-networking MUST fallback to previos setup if i mistake or SERVIS does not start.

We need more details about this
(Adding Edi)
E). Ovirt reports does not install.

On which os are you trying to install it? Is it listed as supported?
(Adding Shirly)
