On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 9:51 AM, Edward Haas <ehaas@redhat.com> wrote:If there is a strong interest for some to track VDSM against this unstable distribution, it better be performed in parallel to the VDSM developing flow.fcraw cannot act as gating to the VDSM CI, as it is unstable (by definition).Hi All,Fcraw build on VDSM check-patch has been failing recently (again).With the current state, we are unable to trust the CI and it causes us to either overwrite its output (which I consider very bad) or just get stuck frequently.Could we please move this job to be triggered once a day as a nightly job and whoever is interested in its output to get notifications for it?Please. lets not make it a gating to VDSM development.+1 from me, I didn't see any real value from fcraw so far, especially if it doesn't save us adding new fedora versions when they are out.We should try to stabalize fc28 when its out.
Also, CI team won't be adding nightly jobs for projects on demand on production system, you're welcome to test it on your local env if needed.Thanks,Edy.
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