
2022. 05. 06. 15:39 keltezéssel, paul.chapman@farmgroup.tv írta:
Hi Martin

Is there a fix for a new install of a self hosted engine? The deployment fails via cockpit or command line. 
I've just installed a new oVirt environment, where I got the same issue.

The trick what I did: When the HE boots up on local storage, you're able to SSH as root in some local IP during the setup process (with your key, or previously set password) The IP address can be figured out from the /etc/host file on the node, where you doing the deploy.

So as soon as you logged in to the VM, you can do the package holding, and the hosted-engine setup can finish sucessfully.

Hope it helps.



Erdősi Péter
Informatikus, IKT Fejlesztési Főosztály

Kormányzati Informatikai Fejlesztési Ügynökség
cím: 1134 Budapest, Váci út 35.
tel: +36 1 450 3080   e-mail: erdosi.peter@kifu.gov.hu

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