I'm looking at Bug 1228641 - [RFE] Switch from XML-RPC to JSON-RPC API and I'm searching google about "vdsm json rpc API documentation" without success.

I've seen /usr/share/doc/vdsm-jsonrpc/vdsm-api.html shipped within vdsm-jsonrpc rpm but it doesn't explain how to use the api.

/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsmapi.py looks useless

/usr/share/vdsm/rpc/ are not public API but something only vdsm process should use.

The feature pages http://www.ovirt.org/Features/Design/JsonRpc3.5 and  http://www.ovirt.org/Features/Design/JsonRpc are incomplete or outdated and miss proper testing section specifying how to test the API.

VDSM API pages are outdated or incomplete:

Any hint on how to use VDSM JSON RPC API anywhere?
Can someone please write a clear VDSM API reference documentation?

Piotr, as a kickstart, can you give me a code sample for connecting to vdsm and call getVdsCaps using jsonrpc?


Sandro Bonazzola
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