My proxy is based on mitmproxy, so I want to analyze messages coming from client to ovirt-engine or from engine to node and based on the content permit the actions or not. I know that there is access control inside oVirt, but I need to implement the similar thing by myself using proxy. From ovirt-engine to vdsm it is trickier as there I have no users and session ids to identify the actor, I can determine only actions.
But anyway, I can decipher normal rpc ( for virt-manager), got familiar with gwt -rpc ( client-engine) and now trying to understand what is happening with xml rpc.
I need this for my proxy,
What is your proxy?
I need to do this analysis "online", not just by analyzing the logs after the action happened.
I was successful in deciphering the traffic between the client and ovirt-engine,
Why do you need to do this? it is easier to add logging to vdsm of you want to see more info about the messages.
Anyway Piotr may help.