Avihai, can you file a bug for this, and link to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1381899# ?c17 On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 5:36 PM Piotr Kliczewski <pkliczew@redhat.com> wrote:We could optimize it for one time use. Is there a BZ to track it?29 cze 2017 15:57 "Nir Soffer" <nsoffer@redhat.com> napisał(a):On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 3:54 PM Avihai Efrat <aefrat@redhat.com> wrote:Hi Guys ,In ovirt 4.2 vdsClient is deprecated so using vdsm-client in tests I get timeout failures.When I tested both utilities on a 4.1 host I noticed vdsm-client takes X4 than vdsClient .Is this known ?can we make it faster ?Taken from client CLI :[root@storage-ge3-vdsm1 ~]# time vdsClient -s 0 getVdsHardwareInfosystemFamily = 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux'systemManufacturer = 'Red Hat'systemProductName = 'RHEV Hypervisor'systemSerialNumber = '4C4C4544-0053-5410-8047-B9C04F465931' systemUUID = '07FD09C7-8461-4981-B859-A40C548E10FF' systemVersion = '7.2-9.el7_2.1'real 0m0.382suser 0m0.272ssys 0m0.056s[root@storage-ge3-vdsm1 ~]# time vdsm-client Host getHardwareInfo{"systemProductName": "RHEV Hypervisor","systemSerialNumber": "4C4C4544-0053-5410-8047-B9C04F465931", "systemFamily": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux","systemVersion": "7.2-9.el7_2.1","systemUUID": "07FD09C7-8461-4981-B859-A40C548E10FF", "systemManufacturer": "Red Hat"}real 0m1.208suser 0m0.966ssys 0m0.111sThe difference is about 0.7 seconds. This can be explained by thetime needed to load the yaml schema - we load it for every request,for validating the the request and generating online help.It takes about 0.1 seconds on a i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz, but maybe you aretesting on a much slower machine, or your machine is overloaded for someother reason?This was discussed inWe can make this 100 times faster by using pickle format instead of parsingyaml.We can also make it infinitely faster by loading the schema only whengenerating online help. There is no real need to validate the requeston the client side when the server side is already doing this.Nir
Regards ,
Avihai EFRAT
34 Jerusalem Road, Building A, 1st floor
Ra'anana, Israel 4350109