On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 11:17 PM, Roy Golan <rgolan@redhat.com> wrote:

On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 9:06 PM Moti Asayag <masayag@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi All,

ATM, there are 78 occurrences of "Injector.injectMembers(new AuditLogableBase())" in ovirt-engine project, which their main purpose is to ease the resolve of the placeholders of the audit log message while logging an event.

For instance AuditLogType.MAC_ADDRESS_IS_EXTERNAL is being used from ImportVmCommandBase.java in the following way:

private AuditLogableBase createExternalMacsAuditLog(VM vm, Set<String> externalMacs) {
        AuditLogableBase logable = Injector.injectMembers(new AuditLogableBase());
        logable.setCustomCommaSeparatedValues("MACAddr", externalMacs);
        return logable;

The entry in the properties file is:
MAC_ADDRESS_IS_EXTERNAL=VM ${VmName} has MAC address(es) ${MACAddr}, which is/are out of its MAC pool definitions.

Therefore the only purpose of the injection is to allow the AuditLogDirector to resolve the ${VmName} which is already known at the time of creating the AuditLogableBase entry.

The result is injecting the DAOs for the AuditLogableBase instance and using the VM dao to retrieve the VM entry from the DB.
This is just a wastef of injection and DB access while both can be spared.

This could have been easily replaced by one of the following:
  • auditLogableBase.setVmName(vm.getName());
- setVmName is protected so not usable as is 
  • auditLogableBase.addCustomValue("VmName", vm.getName());
I prefer this, it is readable. and BTW it is fluent, it returns 'this' so use

  AuditLogDirector(new AuditLogableBase(type)
      .addCustomValue("VmName", vm.getName()));

Please pick up any occurrence from your domain and send a patch to replace it where possible.

Thanks in advance,


Frankly the fact that all the DAOs sets protected access in AuditLogableBase is a total abuse. Every command should declare its own deps.

+100 Can't agree more with declaring fine grained dependencies on each bean/command.


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