
we have added 2 more nics to each virtualization host.    In order to get this working, I had to add an after_network_setup hook.   The shell script simply does "/sbin/iscsiadm  -m node -L all", to get the extra targets login after reboot.

I looked in the engine table storage_server_connections and found that only the iscsi targets selected during the original storage domain create were present.   If ovirt-engine added rows here, then most of the work would have been done.

I say mostly, because the Dell MD3200i did not return exactly the correct portal target values.   The device has 2 controllers, with 4 nics each.   Controller 0, ports 0,1,2,3 uses portal target 1.    Controller 1, the ports uses portal target 2.   After iscsiadm discovery, the portal targets for ports 1,2,3 were all 1.    Ports 0 had targets 1 and 2, correctly.    I adjusted the values saved on the filesystem, and login/logoff works fine.


On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 11:57 AM, Paul Dyer <> wrote:
First of all, thank you for your time.   I must apologize that in this install, I am using RHEV 3.4.5.    I will try to reproduce this on an ovirt install.   I just need to create some paths to iscsi targets.

1.   This configuration has 2 physical hosts, Dell PE-R715 servers, with a Dell PowerVault MD3200i iSCSI data storage domain.   The EM3 nic was the original link.   EM4 was the new connection to storage.

2.   From the manager interface, I selected Storage tab, then the kvm5DataDomain, then edit.   From the popup, I added the IP address under Discovery Targets, then clicked the Discover button.    Then, clicked the login arrow on the new targets discovered.

I have attached the engine and vdsm logs.   I was working on this at about 11:40am Feb 4th.

When setting the host in maintenance mode, then reboot, and Activate, the new paths do not get a login.


On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 5:38 AM, Nir Soffer <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Paul Dyer" <>
> To:
> Sent: Friday, February 6, 2015 12:20:23 AM
> Subject: [ovirt-devel] adding new paths to iscsi data storage domains
> Hi,
> I have been reading the devel list for months now, and would like to ask a
> question.
> In version 3.4.5, adding new paths to an existing iSCSI data storage domain
> does not work from the manager.

It works on ovirt 3.5 and master and it should work also in all previous versions.

Please open a bug for this:
1. Describe the configuration you are modifying
2. Describe the steps you take
3. Include engine log
4. Include vdsm log from the host trying to add new devices

> I have been able to add the paths with
> command line "iscsiadm -m discovery -t st" and "iscsiadm -m node -L all".
> Is there any plan to allow for adding new storage paths after the data domain
> has been created?
> Thanks,
> Paul
> --
> Paul Dyer,
> Mercury Consulting Group, RHCE
> 504-302-8750
> _______________________________________________
> Devel mailing list

Paul Dyer,
Mercury Consulting Group, RHCE

Paul Dyer,
Mercury Consulting Group, RHCE