On Mon, Apr 13, 2020 at 10:14 AM Eyal Shenitzky <eshenitz@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I see the following failure on VDSM check-patch CI +Vojtech Juranek , +Nir Soffer can you please have a look - https://jenkins.ovirt.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/vdsm_standard-check-patch/detail/vdsm_standard-check-patch/20152/pipeline
> [2020-04-13T06:33:31.910Z] ERROR: Command failed:
> [2020-04-13T06:33:31.911Z] # /usr/bin/dnf --installroot /var/lib/mock/epel-8-x86_64-e4f89407d0704b97181ad39248bd6301-15522/root/ --releasever 8 --setopt=deltarpm=False --allowerasing --disableplugin=local --disableplugin=spacewalk --disableplugin=local --disableplugin=spacewalk install dnf tar gcc-c++ redhat-rpm-config which xz sed make bzip2 gzip gcc coreutils unzip shadow-utils diffutils cpio bash gawk rpm-build info patch util-linux findutils grep python36 autoconf automake createrepo dnf dnf-utils e2fsprogs gcc gdb git iproute-tc iscsi-initiator-utils libguestfs-tools-c lshw make openvswitch ovirt-imageio-daemon-2.0.2 python3-augeas python3-blivet python3-coverage python3-dateutil python3-dbus python3-decorator python3-devel python3-dmidecode python3-inotify python3-ioprocess python3-libselinux python3-libvirt python3-magic python3-netaddr python3-nose python3-pip python3-policycoreutils python3-pyyaml python3-requests python3-sanlock python3-six python3-yaml rpm-build rpmlint sudo systemd-udev xfsprogs --setopt=tsflags=nocontexts
> [2020-04-13T06:33:31.911Z] No matches found for the following disable plugin patterns: local, spacewalk
> [2020-04-13T06:33:31.911Z] Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:06 ago on Mon 13 Apr 2020 06:33:23 AM UTC.
> [2020-04-13T06:33:31.911Z] No match for argument: ovirt-imageio-daemon-2.0.2
> [2020-04-13T06:33:31.911Z] Error: Unable to find a match: ovirt-imageio-daemon-2.0.2
Current master does not try to install 2.0.2, you need to rebase.
I'm not sure why
does not have 2.0.2. It was available when we merge the patch installing it:
(you can see that CI passed).