Hi,since commit832b848ca78a7ff349b4ebfe15aaab f9794075d2 we use nimbus-jost-jwt for Bug 1416491 - [RFE] Add support for OpenID Connect in engine SSO. We bundled the library within ovirt-engine-backend rpm not having it packaged as standalone system library.The library is now available in Fedora Rawhide and is in testing for Fedora 28[1].to track removal of the bundled library and use the system provided one.Ravi, since you're the owner of the feature, can you please test the library in Fedora, provide karma? I can help fixing the spec file for using system library as part of bug #1591828.Thanks,[1] https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/nimbus-jose-jwt-5. 12-2.fc28 --