Hi Milan,
Can you please check the following VDSM tests's failures:

1) VDSM master branch;
2) Fedora 29 OS

Execution (from root folder):
make check

1) An authentication pop-up window jumps when executing:
Warning no default label for /tmp/tmpRCRsYm/libvirtd

2) 2 error outputs received, the 2nd one multiple times:
ERROR: InvocationError for command '/home/pbar/Dev/git/vdsm/pbar/master/tests/profile network-py27 ./py-watch 600 pytest --durations=5 --cov=vdsm.network --cov-report=html:htmlcov-network-py27 --cov-fail-under=42 network/integration network/unit' (exited with code 1)

E               HookError: Hook Error: ('Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File "/usr/libexec/vdsm/hooks/before_nic_hotplug/50_vmfex", line 35, in <module>\n    from vdsm import libvirtconnection\nImportError: cannot import name libvirtconnection\n',)
../lib/vdsm/common/hooks.py:124: HookError

Thank you in advance!
