Hey everyone,

So im in need of replacing a host, so the process goes like this , there are 3 hosts called A,B,C  with (RHHI setup) (ovirt) and i want to replace A, so I order a new physical machine D and now i have to disable the A's hostname(meaning its not accessible by A anymore) and now i change D's hostname as A(so D is accessible by A's hostname)  and then I execute the script to replace host.

Now i tried following the steps mentioned in net to change the hostname and if i execute the hostname command in A (it shows the changed hostname) although im unable to ssh with the new hostname and im still able to ssh into A with old hostname.) 
Also, as far as the other 2 hosts are concerned they dont even know that A's hostname is changed and they still ssh it with A's old hostname (this is i believe because the 3 hosts are connected with ovirtmgmt network , so they still retain A's actual name with ovirt ip)

Any help on this is appreciated.
