34 Jerusalem Road, Building A, 1st floor
Ra'anana, Israel 4350109
ylavi@redhat.com T: +972-9-7692306/8272306 F: +972-9-7692223 IM: ylavi
On Sun, Aug 5, 2018 at 4:52 PM, Yaniv Lavi <ylavi@redhat.com> wrote:YANIV LAVI
34 Jerusalem Road, Building A, 1st floor
Ra'anana, Israel 4350109
ylavi@redhat.com T: +972-9-7692306/8272306 F: +972-9-7692223 IM: ylavi
TRIED. TESTED. TRUSTED. On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 2:58 PM Michal Skrivanek <michal.skrivanek@redhat.com> wrote:On 2 Aug 2018, at 18:46, Yaniv Kaul <ykaul@redhat.com> wrote:On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 6:39 PM, Scott Dickerson <sdickers@redhat.com> wrote:I have a pair of questions I could use some help with.1. Does the oVirt guest agent collect filesystem level information? I'm hoping something like what `df -h` would report. File systems, free vs used space, etc. Bonus points if we can get that kind of info from linux and windows agents.It did in the past, I hope we've removed it!on the contrary, it’s being added to qemu-ga!:)2. Assuming that info is available, where can I access it? I assume it isn't surfaced via the REST api (yet), but it would be good to know where it is available.Somewhere in DWH.and hence the engine db too. That’s where it stops, I do not see anyone else reading it once we persist itDWH collects this from engine and stores it as a JSON.It can be queried historically.indeed, and no one else. And it seems to be intentional according to this comment:/**
* Field for history db, not intended to be accessible to clients.
public String getDisksUsage() {
return disksUsage;
}does anyone know why? Is there any reason not to expose it?
List Archives: https://lists.ovirt.org/archives/list/devel@ovirt.org/message/KHOBC5NSXMGXWL65YFEWUHDVH7QCAMB6/_______________________________________________Why? I'm updating VM Portal (web-ui), and it would be great to chart/report guest derived data rather than infrastructure disk provisioned vs allocated space.In theory. In practice, it was never accurate (LVM layers, not to mention block, etc.)right, what we observe from storage is inaccurate. But we can report guest POV. After all that’s the most interesting thing to see for users that their / is getting full. Admins should observe real storage usage in webadmin._______________________________________________Y.Thanks!
--RHV-M Engineering - UX TeamScott DickersonSenior Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc
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