"2) run the following command from psql prompt while logging in with a DB admin (postgres) user "

Note on step 2: make sure you run
$ psql engine
and not just
$ psql

where engine = your engine db name, so that you connect to your engine db and not the server. The commands will run and look like they worked if you don't specify the database :)

On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 8:52 AM, Eli Mesika <emesika@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Guys

Please note that this patch was merged .
You should follow all steps described in the original email

If you have any questions or problems, please contact me


On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 12:11 PM, Eli Mesika <emesika@redhat.com> wrote:

We had decided to drop our UUID generation function from DB in 4.2.1 and use the one provided by PG (using an extension)
Please note that once this patch [1] is merged , you will have to do the following steps in your env in order that it will continue working.

1) make sure that the postgresql-contrib is installed on your machine  (yum/dnf install postgresql-contrib -y)
2) run the following command from psql prompt while logging in with a DB admin (postgres) user
     a) DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS uuid_generate_v1();
     b) CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp";'
3) validate from psql prompt by :

# select *  from pg_available_extensions where name = 'uuid-ossp' and installed_version IS NOT NULL;

You should get the following result

-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+------------------------------------------------
name              | uuid-ossp
default_version   | 1.0
installed_version | 1.0
comment           | generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)

Please contact me for any questions or problems you encounter after this patch is merged to master.


Eli Mesika




Red Hat NA

gshereme@redhat.com    IRC: gshereme