We will merge a patch[1] today that will require the upcoming 4.3 version to use Postgres 10 on f28 and Postgres SCL 10 (Software Collections) on CentOS 7.5
* If you are using f28 and creating new DB schema for development (having no 9.x PG data), then you done and this change should be transparent to you.
* If you are using f27, have some old 9.x PG data and upgrade to f28, then you will have to upgrade your old PG data after moving to f28 according to the instructions in [2]
* If you are using CentOS then you are running PG SCL 9.5 and should upgrade to PG SCL 10
1. Upgrade to CentOS 7.5 (insure that you have the SCL repo [3] after upgrade)
2. #yum update -y # insure that your OS has latest patches
3. #service rh-postgresql95-postgresql stop
4. #yum install rh-postgresql10 rh-postgresql10-postgresql-contrib -y
5. #/opt/rh/rh-postgresql10/root/bin/postgresql-setup --upgrade --upgrade-from="rh-postgresql95-postgresql" # If you have junk sachems, drop them first, the upgrade of each takes time.
6. #service rh-postgresql10-postgresql start # check status to see that it is active
7. #service rh-postgresql10-postgresql enable
8. Insure that your patches are re-based on master latest
9. Remove all <target> binaries created with "#make clean install-dev PREFIX=<target>....."
10. Compile(make install-dev..)/Setup(engine-setup) and run again your patches (git branches you are working on)
11. Insure that basic operations (add new dc/cluster for example) are working
12. Track engine.log / server.log and PG logs for database errors
13. # yum remove rh-postgresql95 rh-postgresql95-postgresql-contrib -y (only if all above is succeed)
If you are
developing from a VM then it is always recommended to create a "before
upgrade" snapshot of the VM.
(I know it is not supported from the user
portal but you can ask for access rights only for doing this from your
admin on the admin portal.
If you have any questions/problems , please contact me
Eli Mesika (emesika on IRC)
Best Regards