After investigating alittle, it looks like it's partially supported, it uses the NoCloud portion:

$ tail -n 1 /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
datasource_list: ["NoCloud", "ConfigDrive"]

But I'm not sure how to get more information or what's accurate. The instance ID (VM id) according to oVirt is d3f659e1-21ff-42a0-b5fa-7c2f74a36c2b
However from within the VM it's a different guid:

$ cat /var/lib/cloud/data/instance-id

I'm also looking to get more information including what host it's running on, what datacenter, type of console, etc.

On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 8:53 AM, Marc Young <> wrote:
Ive looked through what documentation I can find and i only come up on bug reports from years ago, but: is there anyway to get metadata about a oVirt server metadata from the context of a VM ? cloud-init supports a metadata service that sits on to retrieve info like instance-id etc. This is very useful in AWS which I'm familiar with.

My context is that I'd like to run some assertions against a VM and the test framework I'm using runs all assertions from within the VM itself. So If i wanted to assert that the host running my VM is "" I'd have to be able to retrieve that from within the VM. I can do that via the REST API but that requires me to get a REST user/pass inside the vm and feels hacky. The common way of doing this at openstack/aws is to curl the metadata service which replies with information only relevant to the machine asking.