Hi all,

OST failed to run due to the following error inĀ test_003_00_metrics_bootstrap -

ost_utils.ansible.module_mappers.AnsibleExecutionError: Error running ansible: rc=2, stdout=/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/__init__.py:91: RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.26.4) or chardet (3.0.4) doesn't match a supported version!
lago-basic-suite-master-engine | FAILED | rc=1 >>
This command will collect system configuration and diagnostic
information from this system.
The generated archive may contain data considered sensitive and its
content should be reviewed by the originating organization before
being passed to any third party.
No changes will be made to system configuration.
Use the -h option to see usage.
DEBUG: Configuration:
DEBUG: command: collect
DEBUG: Traceback (most recent call last):
DEBUG:   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ovirt_log_collector/__main__.py", line 2067, in <module>
DEBUG:     '%s directory is not empty.' % (conf["local_tmp_dir"])
DEBUG: Exception: /dev/shm/iSX3ZN directory is not empty.ERROR: /dev/shm/iSX3ZN directory is not empty.non-zero return code


ansible_engine = <ost_utils.ansible.module_mappers.ModuleMapper object at 0x7f67b85bb048>
ansible_hosts = <ost_utils.ansible.module_mappers.ModuleMapper object at 0x7f67b85bbb38>

    def test_metrics_and_log_collector(ansible_engine, ansible_hosts):
        vt = utils.VectorThread(
                functools.partial(configure_metrics, ansible_engine,
                functools.partial(run_log_collector, ansible_engine),
>       vt.join_all()


Logs can be found in - https://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt-system-tests_standard-check-patch/16188/testReport/junit/basic-suite-master.test-scenarios/test_003_00_metrics_bootstrap/test_metrics_and_log_collector/

Can someone have a look?

Eyal Shenitzky