Hi all,

With the generous help of several nice guys, currently the Go SDK related projects, oVirt/ovirt-engine-sdk-go and oVirt/go-ovirt, are already available under oVirt org, and the integration of oVirt/ovirt-engine-sdk-go with oVirt STD-CI is also completed [1]. Sincerely thank you to everyone.

While there is still an issue left that we need a proper solution to integrate oVirt/ovirt-engine-sdk-go with TravisCI which could push the auto-generated codes into oVirt/go-ovirt. Previously I adopted my personal github access token which is stored encrypted [2] to work it out. 

But as it's been under oVirt community, we need a more regular way to make this. As @Evgheni suggested, maybe a new access token from a dedicated github account or via the Jenkins job will work?

Any one could help? Any insights into this would be appreciated and thanks in advance.

Best regards,

[1]: https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-engine-sdk-go/pull/144
[2]: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/environment-variables#defining-encrypted-variables-in-travisyml