On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 7:48 AM, Greg Sheremeta <gshereme@redhat.com> wrote:
I'm not sure, but from the English, I'm guessing neither. It looks like the word "found" should be deleted or moved in that second sentence. As is, it's not grammatically correct. So my guess is "found" should go here: "not <found> on". 

​Thank you very much, Greg. That makes perfect sense.
I will apply this interpretation to my translation for now, but hope it will be fixed in the source later on.

Kind regards,



On Oct 23, 2017 5:40 PM, "Yuko Katabami" <ykatabam@redhat.com> wrote:

Hello again.

Here is our second question.

File: AppErrors
Resource ID: 

String: Cannot ${action} ${type}. The network interface (id '${INTERFACE_ID}') is not on virtual machine (id '${VM_ID}') found.

Question: Which one of the following interpretations is correct for the second sentence?
1) The network interface (id '${INTERFACE_ID}') is not on the virtual machine (id '${VM_ID}') which was found
2) The network interface (id '${INTERFACE_ID}') which is not on the virtual machine (id '${VM_ID}') is found

Kind regards,


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