Dear team could you please help on the below issue?Thanks Sandro for the advice!On 07/27/2021 14:22,Sandro Bonazzola<> wrote:I would recommend to ask this on in +Eyal ShenitzkyIl giorno mar 27 lug 2021 alle ore 08:14 luwen.zhang <> ha scritto:
Dear team,We had implemented CBT support for RHV and oVirt in our new version, but when testing we encountered problems of obtain VM increments and also had abnormal with the VM virtual disks.Our testing environment as below:OS Version: RHEL - 8.4.2105.0 - 3.el8OS Description: oVirt Node 4.4.7Kernel Version: 4.18.0 - 315.el8.x86_64KVM Version: 6.0.0 - 19.el8sLIBVIRT Version: libvirt-7.4.0-1.el8sVDSM Version: vdsm- of the problem is after a successful backup, the VM which gets only one virtual disk will get 2 identical virtual disks marked as Complete on oVirt engine web console, like shown below.
The additional disk might disappear after a while, but before it’s gone there could be a lot of problems with the VM.
1. We cannot perform a new backup, the backup will fail directly.
2. The VM itself will run into exception, we cannot even power it off, and it will also probably get crashed.
3. If the VM was initially powered off, after backing up, we cannot power on the VM.
And there could be some other problems related with this, is this normal or there’s something we did wrong?
Thank you in advance for your help!