
On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 9:51 AM, Liron Aravot <laravot@redhat.com> wrote:

3. What hsm.spmSchedule() method does?
Schedules a task to be executed as SPM (used to perform operation that alter
the shared storage or data operations currently).

​But SPM is a particular host.​ What does this method do, if it is called not on SPM host? Returns error? Or somehow transfers the task to the SPM host?

7. Why in HSM we are using vars.task.getSharedLock(STORAGE, sdUUID) sometimes instead of domain lock?
The task lock (which uses the resource manager) is used to acquire in memory logical lock within the current host.
Theoretical example- you wouldn't want to attempt to delete a domain while you create a volume on it.

​But this lock works only inside the host. So, if some other host will try to create a volume, this lock will not help. So what's​

11. What methods dom.linkBCImage(imgPath, imgUUID) and dom.unlinkBCImage(imgUUID) do?
Creates/Removes a symlink to a given image.

​Where this symlink is located? What is its purpose?​

​> ​
12. What methods dom.activateVolumes(imgUUID, imgVolumes) and dom.deactivateImage(imgUUID) do?
> ​
Can you be a bit more specific in the question? I don't have much to add
> ​
over the method names.

​I understand that it activates/deactivates volumes. But what does it mean? What is an "active" volume and how does it differ from "inactive"?​
