I have a question about python-SDK for Ovirt Engine API. When creating a new VM from a template in Clone/Independent-mode, I'm not unable to select storage domain for the new disk. It seems like it always get created on the same disk at the template. I can move the disk after creation but it's a little bit time consuming.
vm_params = params.VM ( name = vm_name, cluster = api.clusters.get ( "Cluster-1" ), template = api.templates.get ( "RHEL7" ), storage_domain = api.storagedomains.get ( "iscsi1" ), disks = params.Disks ( clone = True ) )
api.vms.add ( vm_params )
except Exception, e:
raise SystemExit ( "Could not create VM from template: %s" % ( e ) )
The VM is added correctly but the disk is located on iscsi0 ( the same as the template ).
Have anybody an idea how to get this sorted out?
Best regards,