suite-4.2/326 fails on add host test with:Error: The response content type 'text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' isn't the expected XMLSomething bad happened during the deployment because the engine complains about an host not included in the cluster:2018-07-05 21:34:47,768-04 WARN [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.gluster. GlusterVolumesListReturn] (DefaultQuartzScheduler6) [3009952a] Could not add brick 'lago-hc-basic-suite-4-2- host1:/rhs/brick1/engine' to volume 'c1146520-3bf7-4b81-b31a- 7cc5475b6438' - server uuid '50e37ed8-86f3-4b50-9258- f516169025ea' not found in cluster '3125aa60-80bb-11e8-a143- 00163e24d363'
2018-07-05 22:03:33,214-0400 INFO (libvirt/events) [virt.vm] (vmId='a2f514e6-81ca-4d41-acf9-77cc910f6eaf') abnormal vm stop device ua-c0592bd6-20e6-4dbf-9610-9a35e3f566ab error eother (vm:5116) 2018-07-05 22:03:33,214-0400 INFO (libvirt/events) [virt.vm] (vmId='a2f514e6-81ca-4d41-acf9-77cc910f6eaf') CPU stopped: onIOError (vm:6157) 2018-07-05 22:03:33,222-0400 INFO (libvirt/events) [virt.vm] (vmId='a2f514e6-81ca-4d41-acf9-77cc910f6eaf') CPU stopped: onSuspend (vm:6157) 2018-07-05 22:03:33,225-0400 WARN (libvirt/events) [virt.vm] (vmId='a2f514e6-81ca-4d41-acf9-77cc910f6eaf') device vda reported I/O error (vm:4065)
[2018-07-05 22:04:38,936] WARNING [utils - 298:publish_to_webhook] - Event push failed to URL: http://hc-engine:80/ovirt-engine/services/glusterevents, Event: {"event": "QUORUM_LOST", "message": {"volume": "vmstore"}, "nodeid": "59bf7956-60a4-4152-9cf9-99fcdccb211f", "ts": 1530842614}, Status: ('Connection aborted.', error(113, 'No route to host'))
Sahina, Gobinda, can you please investigate?Ondra, no idea why the engine is returning text/html instead of xml here, can you please check?
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