Java EE 7 included ManageExecutorService in its spec. Using Wildfly (as certified EE 7 container) we can use it to replace our own ThreadPoolUtil implementation and (possibly) Quarz usage.

Managed executor service is a thread pool resource, manage by the container and can be controlled via JMX or the startup facility. This means that it could be tweaked at runtime as well. The service has configured thread factory and queue as well, all described by the xml

In the engine we are using mutli pools, with little to no capabilities of tweaking them
- ThreadPoolUtil - our general threading facade
- SchedulerThreadPool - the pool we create to pass to quarz
- - internal pool
- CommandExecutor - coco's pool

EE gave us a standard way to handle threads, with runtime configuration and ability to @inject it into the code, this means once again less code with using something the platform already supplies with real tuninig abilities. I know #infra has an item quarts, this should be considered as well.

Following this thread, if there is no suitable bug already, I'll open one for this.

Some code snippets: 
private ManagedExecutorService mes;
...  Future f = mes.submit(() -> doThis())

The configuration in (already there today!):

  reject-policy="RETRY_ABORT" />

Please head here for wildfly docs [1] and here [2] to see a simple example (from one of the members of the EG of EE, recommended blog in general)
