On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 2:40 PM, Daniel Belenky <dbelenky@redhat.com> wrote:Hi all,The following test is failing: 002_bootstrap.verify_add_hosts Only 2 engine patches participated in the test, so the suspected patches are:Due to the fact that when this error first introduced we had another error, the CI can't automatically detect the specific patch.Error snippet from logs: ovirt-host-deploy-ansible log (Full log)TASK [ovirt-host-deploy-firewalld : Enable firewalld rules] ******************** failed: [lago-basic-suite-master-host-0] (item={u'service': u'glusterfs'}) => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "item": {"service": "glusterfs"}, "msg": "ERROR: Exception caught: org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.E xception: INVALID_SERVICE: 'glusterfs' not among existing services Permanent and Non-Permanent(immediate) operation, Services are defined by port/tcp relationship and named as they are in /etc/services (on most systems)"} Error from HOST 0 firewalld log: lago-basic-suite-master-host-0/_var_log/firewalld/ (Full log) 2017-10-15 16:51:24 ERROR: INVALID_SERVICE: 'glusterfs' not among existing servicesOndra, would such an error propagate through the playbook to Engine and fail the add-host flow? (I think it should!)
Do you know which package provide the glusterfs firewalld service, and why it is missing from the host?