Yes, we had this race in another test, that's because of the engine memory lock which is released after the database one

I can't provide links since I'm on my phone and away from the laptop but you can look at the cold merge test, we fixed it there by polling the status of the job

On Fri, 20 Jul 2018, 14:11 Milan Zamazal, <> wrote:
Hi, a failure of previewing a snapshot with memory has been experienced
in OST master suite and I'm not sure whether REST API responses about
snapshot status are correct or not.

When I'm creating a snapshot with memory, <snapshot_status> reported
from Engine REST API in /api/vms/…/snapshots is initially `locked' and
later switches to `ok'.  The problem is that `ok' starts being reported
before snapshot creation completes, resulting in errors if I try to stop
the VM or to preview the snapshot at the moment.

Does <snapshot_status>ok</snapshot_status> guarantee that the snapshot
is completed or not?  I can see the following example in
ovirt-engine-sdk (for snapshot without memory):

    # 'Waiting for Snapshot creation to finish'
    snapshot_service = snapshots_service.snapshot_service(
    while True:
        snapshot = snapshot_service.get()
        if snapshot.snapshot_status == types.SnapshotStatus.OK:

So I suppose snapshot status shouldn't switch to OK before snapshot
creation finishes.  But it's not true in Engine master.  Is it a bug or
a feature?

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