On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 10:34 PM, Martin Perina <mperina@redhat.com> wrote:

why is this package not contained also in ovirt-master-snapshot repository [6]? Most of developers are using ovirt-master-snapshot, because this is the official repository for oVirt depelopers as mentioned in [7] and [8]. AFAIK there was not yet any official announcement that every developer should switch from ovirt-master-snapshot to ovirt-tested-master ...

I think we should make it official then for master, we've hit too many issues in the past weeks due to this repository, that I don't want to see new projects added to it.
Also, AFAIK, these are build time dependencies only right? so they are not really needed for be in oVirt repo as deliverables, and just needed for other projects to use for building them.
If this is the case, then the new Standard CI feature of serving each build-artifacts job as yum repo can also be used instead of the snapshot repo, e.g.,

http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt-engine-yarn_master_build-artifacts-el7-x86_64/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/exported-artifacts/ is a yum repo which points to the latest successful build of ovirt-engine-yarn master.

On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 8:42 PM, Greg Sheremeta <gshereme@redhat.com> wrote:

Tomorrow (Tues Feb 14) we'll merge a patch [1] that upgrades the version of PatternFly used by webadmin and userportal to the latest 3.y version.

In addition to updating the library, we've also changed the delivery mechanism. We're no longer maintaining a PatternFly RPM on copr [2]. The new method is a new project called ovirt-js-dependencies [3] that contains any runtime JS dependencies required by the engine -- currently patternfly, bootstrap, and jquery. This project is using oVirt Standard CI [4], and thus you should get the RPM from the tested master repo [5].

TL;DR: What you need to do (from the README)
Set Up the Tested Master Repository

* Automatically
- Run the following command (replace `@distro@` in the following code block
  with `fc` for Fedora or `el` for RHEL or an equivalent distribution):

    # dnf config-manager --add-repo \

* Manually
- Create the file `/etc/yum.repos.d/ovirt-tested-master.repo`, and replace
  `@distro@` in the following code block with `fc` for Fedora or `el` for RHEL
  or an equivalent distribution.


And then

sudo dnf install ovirt-js-dependencies

Let me know if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

Greg Sheremeta, MBA
Red Hat, Inc.
Sr. Software Engineer

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