I am trying to use the command line to stop and start vms in ovirt 4.4.   Previously, I used virsh on the standalone engine machine, but that has been removed in this release.

On the compute host, I am able to use virsh to list vms, and shutdown vms from that list.  The start command gives me this error:

virsh # start r7-dante
error: failed to get domain 'r7-dante'

I have also tried to use curl with the restapi from the standalone engine.  I have not been able to find examples of how to stop and start vms.   Here is an example of my list of vms...

curl --cacert '/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ctg.crt' --request GET --header 'Version: 4' --header 'Accept: application/xml' --user 'admin@internal:psw' https://bacchus.neworleans.com/ovirt-engine/api/vms

Can anyone help me with this?

Thank you. Regards

Paul Dyer,
Mercury Consulting Group, RHCE