we 've started to get  failures with our HE suits :

03:07:46 # /usr/bin/dnf --installroot /var/lib/mock/epel-7-x86_64-39127a08ee2e67d9ffa6f99a66a95b59-4799/root/ --releasever 7 --setopt=deltarpm=False --allowerasing --disableplugin=local --disableplugin=spacewalk install @buildsys-build python3 python3-pip python36-PyYAML python36-six python36-pyxdg python2 python2-pip python2-pyyaml python2-six python2-pyxdg ansible autoconf automake grubby lago lago-ovirt libselinux-python python-netaddr script virt-install wget docker python-pip python-virtualenv mkdocs fontawesome-fonts-web

03:07:46 Failed to set locale, defaulting to C

03:07:46 No match for argument: script

03:07:46 Error: Unable to find a match: script

