On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 4:38 PM, Marc Young <3vilpenguin@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm not sure the process for posting on oVirt.org but I wouldn't mind at all. I was going to write one on my personal blog as well. I'll send an email in a few.

As for the tests, the unit tests are rspec and can run without a server. The acceptance tests were, in my mind, just going to be a bunch of directories, each with a vagrantfile specific to the test, such as one with specific CPU/ram, one with a bash provisioner, and the tests were going to be simple `bats` tests that vagrant up, vagrant halt, snapshot , restore from snapshot, etc and test error codes. Those will need a master but the tests would just be time consuming workflow specific assertions. Feel free to suggest something else, but that's what I had planned

I think for most cases you described above, the 'check-patch.sh' flow will work for you, and you'll just need to specify your needs in the relevant files under 'automation' dir in your project, 
As described in [1], for e.g, add 'vagrant' pkg to the check-patch.packages file and perhaps the vagrant repo for the 'check-patch.repos' file, while writing all your bats tests in check-patch.sh script.

If you'll want to run more complex end-to-end tests which requires installing oVirt / hosts / etc.. then we need to check how you can integrate with oVirt System Tests framework.

Feel free to ask for help on infra@ovirt.org or open a ticket @ jira.ovirt.org.

[1] http://infra-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/CI/Build_and_test_standards.html


On Sun, Feb 5, 2017, 8:17 AM Yaniv Kaul <ykaul@redhat.com> wrote:

On Feb 5, 2017 1:58 PM, "Marc Young" <3vilpenguin@gmail.com> wrote:
I see emails floating around about Jenkins.

Is there a public Jenkins, or possibly one that I can be invited to?
I just finished the vagrant provider and

Excellent news -  saw it on twitter!  
Can you send an email to the users mailing list about it? 
Perhaps even a blog post on ovirt.org

pushed it to rubygems and am
currently bringing up a new permanent oVirt server so that i can write
some acceptance tests, but having access to a Jenkins and a testable
oVirt setup would save me a ton of time.

I'm sure it can be integrated nicely to ovirt-system-tests. Let me think about it for awhile. 

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