with Engine server caching both types of data. By default, inventory data is refreshed every 60sec and the utilization data is refreshed every 5min.
> * the errors/warning cube doesn't update so much even after cleaning and waiting an hour or 2
The Dashboard page doesn't refresh its data automatically (yet) but there's a refresh button & "Last Updated" label in the top left corner. As mentioned above, the top-most status cards should have their (cached) data updated every 60sec.
> * Cluster cube shows "1 cluster" but also "N/A" even when my cluster is up with 2 machines (with DNS names).
The "N/A" text shown in Cluster status card simply means that we aren't tracking status (up/down/etc.) for the Cluster object within the Dashboard.
> * The memory calculation is wrong - it still shows 503.5 GB even if 1 node is down for maintenance (which means I need to see something like 220GB)
This is part of the utilization card, which means it takes its data from DWH. As Greg wrote, please check your
DWH setup. Are you running DWH on Engine machine or on a different machine?