Hi Ramesh,

Thank you very much for your explanation.
It is very helpful. I will share this with other translators.

Thank you Yaniv for adding Sahina too.

Kind regards,


On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 3:20 PM, Ramesh Nachimuthu <rnachimu@redhat.com> wrote:

On 06/07/2016 05:43 AM, Yuko Katabami wrote:
Hi all, 

I would like to ask for your help with the following question.​​

File: ApplicationMessages

Resource IDs: 

brickStatusWithUnSyncedEntriesPresent needsGlusterHealingWithVolumeStatus unSyncedEntriesPresent


{0}, {1} unsynced entries present

It will be 'brick status, <no-of-unsynced-entires>  unsynced entries present'. For example 'UP, 5634 unsynced entries present'

{0}, Unsynced entries present - Needs healing

This will be '<no-of-unsynced-entires> , Unsynced entries present - Needs healing'. ex: 5678, Unsynced entries present - Needs healing'

{0} unsynced entries present

This will be '<no-of-unsynced-entires> unsynced entries present'. ex: "5678 unsynced entries present'

Note: Unsynced entries are the number of entries in a replicated gluster brick which needs to be healed.

Question: Could anyone tell us what those variables will be replaced with?

Kind regards,


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