Hi Allon,
I think I found some strange Checkstyle related problems on master.
Engine build with (GWT compilation enabled) works OK.
Next, trying to start GWT debugger:
$ make gwt-debug DEBUG_MODULE=webadmin \
DEV_EXTRA_BUILD_FLAGS_GWT_DEFAULTS="-Dgwt.userAgent=gecko1_8,safari" \
DEV_EXTRA_BUILD_FLAGS="-Dgwt.logLevel=INFO -Dgwt.locale=en_US -Dgwt.compiler.localWorkers=1" \
maven-checkstyle-plugin:check execution fails on
can't parse argument number: (\\d)\\: For input string: "(\\d)\\"
the class isn't used, removed it, retry. Now it fails on:
can't parse argument number: For input string: ""
I guess it's a bug in our NON-NLS check? But why doesn't the problem occur during Engine build?
I'm thinking about disabling Checkstyle for gwt-extension module, as it contains custom GWT RPC serializers and GWT class overrides, and maybe the file path src/main/java/org/ovirt/engine/ui/uioverrides/here/goes/actual/pkg is confusing the Checkstyle now.