the important error message is :
2018-08-31 08:16:33,302-0400 DEBUG otopi.plugins.ovirt_engine_setup.ovirt_engine.db.schema plugin.execute:926 execute-output: ['/usr/share/ovirt-engine/dbscripts/schema.sh', '-s', 'localhost', '-p', '5432', '-u', 'engine', '-d', 'engine', '-l', '/var/log/ovirt-engine/setup/ovirt-engine-setup-20180831081601-s0d22q.log', '-c', 'apply'] stderr:
psql:/usr/share/ovirt-engine/dbscripts/upgrade/04_03_0280_add_clean_traffic_gateway_into_nwfilters.sql:1: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "network_filter_pkey"
DETAIL: Key (filter_name)=(clean-traffic-gateway) already exists.
FATAL: Cannot execute sql command: --file=/usr/share/ovirt-engine/dbscripts/upgrade/04_03_0280_add_clean_traffic_gateway_into_nwfilters.sql
The problematic script was merged into master on Aug 1st as a part of [1] and it contains:
INSERT INTO network_filter VALUES (uuid_generate_v1(), 'clean-traffic-gateway' , '4.3');
It looks correct, unfortunately the patch [1] was backported into 4.2 as [2] on Aug 30th and the backport contains altered script:
INSERT INTO network_filter VALUES (uuid_generate_v1(), 'clean-traffic-gateway' , '4.2');
The problem is that primary key of network_filter table is filter_name, that's why upgrade from 4.2 to 4.3 started to fail. There was an attempt to align versions in [3], but this can't help the upgrade issue as dbscript from [3] is executed after script [2], which fails the upgrade.
If I understand the the logic of network_filter table, it should contain the filter name for the 1st version where it's supported. So I've posted the fix for upgrade issue here [4].
Ales/Dominik could you please review?