On Thu, Apr 11, 2019, 09:35 Sandro Bonazzola <sbonazzo@redhat.com> wrote:

Il giorno mer 10 apr 2019 alle ore 22:48 Nir Soffer <nsoffer@redhat.com> ha scritto:
sanlock 3.7.1 for Fedora 28, 29, and 30  is available now in the updates-testing repo.

The main change in this version is support for configurable sector size and alignment,
needed for 4k support in 4.3.z.

If you have oVirt Fedora hosts please test this version and submit feedback:

To update use:

    sudo dnf update --enablerepo=updates-testing sanlock python2-sanlock

Sandro: we discussed building sanlock for CentOS once we release it for Fedora,
so we can start using it for OST now.


Eyal, what do we need to start using this sanlock version in the CI and OST?

adding Anton, 
but afaik we don't have fedora suites running, there is work by the integration team to enable one AFAIK, but nothing runs in CI.

if its CentOS, then it just making sure the relevant repo with the sanlock is on the reposync file.





Red Hat EMEA
